Classic or flop?

Just thought I would try and get an idea on people opinions on this movie, as I have yet to meet anyone I know who likes this movie, so I kinda feel alone on this one, for me this is still my favourite movie and probably always will be, you've only got to read my review to figure that one out, not sure what it is really about this movie that I like so much....hmmm who knows? well anyway my verdict is Classic.....would like to hear others opinions on this....if anyone cares that is.

Oh and this is my first post ever on IMDB so try not to rip all my limbs off

Oh and its early hours of the morning im writing this so if my spellings a bit pants you know why :-P


1. Find a hair cut, Saint, they are all annoying.
2. Atrocious "romantic dialogue". bad, very, very bad
3. Don't have them whisper all the lines like Beauty + the Beast in the 80's
4. Match the actor to the accent.
5. Refilm w.o. Eliz Shue.


i love this movie have watch it many upon many times on dvd it's just to bad there was no sequel.



For sure! This is one of my favourite movies. But having said that, i understand that many people hate it because of how it compares to the tv series which i believe it was based on. Thus it has only an average rating of 5.6, a pity, though I'm sure lots of people think it deserves only that, and i can see where they're coming from.

However, I have not seen the series and seeing this just as a stand-alone movie with no history, it was awesome! My friends also loved it, but they too saw it by itself, so perhaps there are really two sets of views.

In any case, I became a huge fan of both Val Kilmer and Elizabeth Shue because of this movie. My favourite scene was when the two of them were in that bar and Elizabeth started guessing about him, that was really magical.. and yes, i know, i'm a bit of a loser lol.. but i did love this movie and will love it always :)



it was decent but I am easily pleased lol


Classic, hands fown.




not a classic,but underrated


Classic or flop? Neither. Just incredibly boring.

"Shawn made $20 an hour, that equals about 87k a year" MommyToTwoAngels


I watched it when it was first released and I was 17. Loved it then and love it now, a sweet romantic film with enough going on with the plot to keep you interested.

I always felt it was underrated!

Chandler: That fake British woman is a real bitch, but she sure can dance!


i just watched it for the first time as it was on tv, was quite fun, kept me watching it all the way through, romance bit was meh though


I dont think any movie printing Jonathan Hensleigh (writer or director) on the posters will be called a classic, he was the one who rewrote the original script for Punisher and it became a flawed movie-the fans of Punisher comic are furious, also involved in Next and Armageddon.
