What is so bad about this movie?

Personally, I love this movie. It very may well be my favorite Jurassic Park film. However, all I see are complaints about it. I know the two biggest ones are the gymnastic kick and the T Rex in San Diego, but neither of those things bother me. What are the other big complains? I just don't see it, so i'm curious as to what people think.


I'm truly surprised at how this film was so poorly received and has remained fairly maligned. It didn't capture the same wonder and shock value of the first one, but it was a fun and solid sci-fi adventure that very much followed the spirit of the first.

I mean, compared to the plunge in depth of the third film and some of the more out-there (yet mostly successful) ideas of Jurassic World I'd say this one deserves a critical reappraisal.

It's just one of those movies you can turn on and watch all the way through when you want a fun ride.

They don't call me Col. Homer cause I'm some dumbass army guy!
