What is so bad about this movie?

Personally, I love this movie. It very may well be my favorite Jurassic Park film. However, all I see are complaints about it. I know the two biggest ones are the gymnastic kick and the T Rex in San Diego, but neither of those things bother me. What are the other big complains? I just don't see it, so i'm curious as to what people think.


I watched it for the first time the other day and had to double check that Spielberg actually directed it. It got off to a terrible start. Jeff Goldblum seemed to be sleepwalking through his early lines and several of the scenes were just awkwardly done, like the subway encounter and then the reunion with the grandkids at the mansion.

Maybe there were scenes cut out -- this was on WGN America after all -- but some of the transitions from one scene to the next made no sense. And some of the characters, in particular Julianne Moore's dinosaur expert, seemed ridiculous.

To me, the whole thing felt like a TV movie sequel instead of another big budget film like the original.


All of it.



It's not that it's 'so bad' it's more like it's so mediocre and bland that it fails to hold my interest. Most of the scenes are well done but there's nothing particularly engaging about any of them. Oooh look, people we don't know or care about are getting eaten by raptors. Oh boy, the T-Rex is destroying things....again. The main characters are in 'danger'...that they get out of in silly or excessively convenient ways. Etc, ad nauseum.

I'm not a hater, this movie doesn't offend me in any way. I just don't get anything out of it. I find myself more entertained by JP3, but I'm also a fan of schlock so take that for what it's worth...

I'm genuinely convinced that every movie would be better with Arnold Schwarzenegger in it.


Yes pretty much everything you just said.


Well, most of your points are of silly decisions of the people... People are not always the smartest. Especially in extreme situations like the ones on your list. Or if they can safe some money. People hire the cheap hunters or the spanish speaking captain. By the way - try to find an english speaking captain in Costa Rica. And, come on - how would the movie be like, if they all are making the right decision. A documentation, Rate 0? ;)

The thing about the T-Rex not roaring is, because that they are not hunting. They are searching for their baby. They even tell you in the movie, Sarah explains it.

And Ian is just not running away from the T-Rex. He is hiding and the others are running away. And they are running upstream, so they hit the waterfall cave. They got some luck and the movie can go on. And if he is running after all, he wants to trap the T-Rex back to the ship.

Another thing is Nick. He is an animal rights activist. We find out, that he is even at Earth First. This people are ruthless. Read about them, then you do not wonder anymore, that he releases the Dinosaurs just inside the camp.

I think, you just hate this movie, mabe you don't like sequels? I don't know. I love this movie. It's one of my favourites.



Ok, but they even didn't need to get an english speaking one, because Nick is a good translator. But well, he didn't help Ian with his call.

Right, Ian often said what to do right, but the others didn't take him serious. This is part of the movie, that people don't necessarily hear at a know-it-all.

Sure, the T-Rex had to flush his quarry first, because he wasn't that good with vision.

Well, there are some mistakes in this movie, too. But there are mistakes in every movie. The thing with the trailer for example is just unrealistic. But I still like it. I find it entertaining.

Ah and one more thing. Ian said "following the screams" - that was sarcasm... Ok, they had some luck to find him, but the Rex was around the harbor and made some things broken. Shouldn't be too hard to find him.

I don't give much about ratings. I'm only sad, if a movie that I like has a low one.

Well, I like this one and you don't. I don't think, we can change this. :) It's matter of taste, too. I still can't see many mistakes. Great filmmaking, great acting, entertaining story with some food for thoughts. There are even many memorable quotes.


its not a BAD film but it felt terribly unoriginal. We saw pretty much everything repeated from the first film only not as good.


I watched Lost World last night, first saw in the theaters in 1997 and parts of it on tv over the past 19 years.

Now I think the movie is very underated. I don't understand why it got so many bad reviews...


- The movie aged well. If not for the reference to Sega, people could not tell the year the film was made.

- CGI aged well too. My only complaint is the first scene with the stegossaurus when Malcolm arrives at the island. The rest of the CGI is very good. A lot of movies from the 2000s and even recent have worse CGI.


- Some silly moments like Kelly kicking the raptor with a gymnast move.

- SFX with blue screen, like when they're hanging on the rope and the trailer falls off the cliff.


Casting Gabby Douglas as Jeff Goldblooom's surprise black daughter.


It's action-packed, more violent, some of the dinosaur scenes are pretty impressive, and yet.... it lacks the wonder and excitement of the first one. Goldblum and Moore, while good in their own right, are also not nearly as interesting to watch as the original's leads, and the rest of the cast is nothing to brag about. Spielberg's direction? It isn't exactly great this time.

This is a fine, entertaining movie nonetheless.

You want something corny? You got it!


It's action-packed, more violent, some of the dinosaur scenes are pretty impressive, and yet.... it lacks the wonder and excitement of the first one.
Technically excellent and it looks even better than the first one. After a slow start it does start to kick in; but the characters aren't as appealing and it got pretty darn silly fast. It lacks a certain charm and magic that the first one had—which I don't rate as top-tier Spielberg—and moreover, it also lacks the suspense the first one generated in the latter half. The first one does have some genuine classic scenes, where as The Lost World appears to just throw what it can into the melting pot and run with it without much sense of thought or even pride.

Goldblum was his usual dreary self, Moore looked awkward and I think Spielberg forgot to direct his actors here and let them just do their own thing for the most part. The kid was annoying, the humor seemed forced and while it was more violent in parts and probably fun to make, it doesn't appear to have same heart or sense of awe that was invested into the original.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.

