Ok, but they even didn't need to get an english speaking one, because Nick is a good translator. But well, he didn't help Ian with his call.
Right, Ian often said what to do right, but the others didn't take him serious. This is part of the movie, that people don't necessarily hear at a know-it-all.
Sure, the T-Rex had to flush his quarry first, because he wasn't that good with vision.
Well, there are some mistakes in this movie, too. But there are mistakes in every movie. The thing with the trailer for example is just unrealistic. But I still like it. I find it entertaining.
Ah and one more thing. Ian said "following the screams" - that was sarcasm... Ok, they had some luck to find him, but the Rex was around the harbor and made some things broken. Shouldn't be too hard to find him.
I don't give much about ratings. I'm only sad, if a movie that I like has a low one.
Well, I like this one and you don't. I don't think, we can change this. :) It's matter of taste, too. I still can't see many mistakes. Great filmmaking, great acting, entertaining story with some food for thoughts. There are even many memorable quotes.