Best Scene?

In my opinion the best scene is the last one, when they do the last striptease.
What do you think?



Oh, the best scene is definetly when they guys are standing in a line at the
employment office and the music "Hot Stuff" is heard overhead and the guys
start dancing, very subtle. I laugh just thinking of it!!!!!!!


got that right !


I liked it when they were practicing in the warehouse and kept making clumsy mistakes, like yanking off the belt and smacking the next guy in the head with it.


My favourite scenes were the last strip, the dress reheashal one where they get taken to the police station and the one where they are all stood in the line and start dancing. the where they are the police station and the police all watching and laughin is great to too especially when Gerald takes the remote off the policeman to prove hes always ahead a classic moment. in general every scene is my favourite they all so great eith humour, emotion and greatly acted.


Yeah, that scene was incredibly funny.

I also like that part when Lomper and Guy escape from being caught by the police while they ran wearing only the red leather thongs and when they reach Lomper's room they start to become a lot closer than usual. :D
I really like that moment even though it was kind of short.


That's defiantly my favorite bit to. =]


I know it's not very original, but I also think the best scene is where they stand in line and dance along to Hot Stuff! Brilliant!

Darling, We're the Young Ones
Hammersmith Hardwoman #11


of course


I like where the guy (Lumpa?) is at band practice and all the other band members start playing "stripping" music and he just sits there looking all embarassed.

illegitimus non carborundus - don't let the bastards wear you down



In my opinion the best scenes are the last one and when they dance "Hot Stuff" in the job´s appliance office, but I think there are a lot of funny scenes in that film!


The film is chocked with hilarious scenes. However, my three fave are:

-The scene where they are in line, and dance with "Hot Stuff".
-The final strip sequence, of course.
-And the one where (forgot the character's name) shows his "talent"; that is, he drops his pants, and Gaz says: "Gentlemen, the lunchbox has landed!". Their shock at the guy's "talent" is priceless!!


I am weird for thinking the last scene is sexy? I mean, really sexy. I mean, I feel guilty watching it if my husband's out of the room.


REALLY SEXY???It's totally just a very funny scene,but anyway it's really the best one,it's to the point for this comedy... ^_^


I agree.That ending is to me," a classic!!!!" I love the movie!
It brings about many good feeling laughs.


I don't know if it's the best scene, but one that always cracks me up is Gaz's first attempt at stripping. I would say the first audition we saw, but that was just painful!

Screaming for solutions, forcing changes, risk and danger, making noise and making pleas! - Rent




The scene in the employment office is my personal fave too. Very ab lib.


What about the scene were they're all practising in Gerald's house in just thongs and the two baliffs try to take the T.V. They just appear from another room and Dave say's 'put down and piss off' and the two guys *beep* themselves. Brilliant stuff.


Best scene is the credits sequence at the end. Well just after that, when the awful patronising mess of a movie that appeals to infantile brains comes to a welcome end.




i think the best scene is where gerald has not been given the job and comes after garry,what brilliant acting. berfor that scene i thought gerald was a right bast erd but after i realy liked him.


another favorate scene of myn is were they are playing football in the park. it show a lovely freindship between them and even though gerald has lot every thing he still has fun.




