MovieChat Forums > The Full Monty (1997) Discussion > Do Americans like this film????

Do Americans like this film????

I love this film, but as most Brits know that Americans have a very different sense of humour (not prejudice in anyway my Aunty is American).

Just this film is made up of very British humour and was just curious to see if Americans enjoyed it as much as us Brits?




I'm from Southamerica, and I loved this film back then, I recently re-watched it after several years, and I couldn't stop laughing. Also, the human side of the story is universal and very strong.
I watched this film when I was underage in the cinema theatre, with my father and older brother, it was great.
In Chile, in the early 2000, they made a version as a play for theatre (I think it was an adaptation from the Broadway play), it was a huge hit. I wish I had seen it, the actors really go the Full Monty!

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language IMDb = Catch-22


I am an American, and while i often love English humor, I thought this was unfunny and boring. I gave it a 3.


I'm American and I absolutely love it!!! One of the best films ever! Awesome cast! I do not like some British humor, but this is wonderful!


had a boring afternoon ahead of me and decided to watch The Full Monty again. Of course we Americans love it. Those that love it, love everything about it!

But not everyone in US likes this movie. I cannot explain why I love it, I just do. I love all the expressions but I don't understand some of it.

What are the kits and kegs? I guess that is jeans and boots?

A finer cast I have never seen. When the guys were tyring to help Gerald not get a hard on during dancing they said think of boring things. like
"The Queen's speech".
That really cracked me up. Sorry Queen Elizabeth...


I absolutely love this movie!! One of my all time faves. ๐Ÿ˜


I'm American & I absolutely LOVE this film!

My husband likes the movie, but admitted he can't understand half of what they are saying. Just doesn't understand the lingo. Like I had to "translate" some of the terms like "Ta" & "Quid."

I have always loved Britcoms & all the rest of it, so maybe that's part of it.

I think I'm a Brit at heart. ๐Ÿ˜


I loved it at 15, and I loved it tonight just as much at 33. A lot of Americans do get British humor. It's just what they've been exposed to.

I grew up in a family that was happily welcoming of anything great from across the ocean, so I never have problems with accents or anything like that (the main problem I've noticed among people I meet).

I love Mr. Bean (Rowan in general), Fawlty Towers, Monty Python, Peep Show, IT Crowd, Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, and so on and so forth as much as any American stuff. I don't think one is better than the other, but British wit certainly has a certain charm that a lot of American humor lacks.


I've always loved this movie back in the 90's when I saw it. It's just flat out funny. It's hilarious to see regular guys try to do something that is so far out of their comfort zone of what average men do, that makes the movie so great and it's non stop gag or joke after another.


I don't speak for all Americans (if I did, November 8 would have ended differently, but that's neither here nor there), but I like it.
