Why such bad rating????

Absolutely hilarious movie! Awesome cast! So many quotes that my friends and i never get tired of. I know saying that it is better than tommy boy would be a sin but i laugh a lot more. Way better than Black Sheep or Beverly Hills Ninja. One of my all time favorite comedies! I don't see how it deserves a 4.5???? Am i the only one that liked this movie?


You are not alone!
This movie never fails to amuse me. I know pretty much every line, but they still crack me up every damn time.

Aloha maku maku. Don Ho will not emerge from the Valley of Darkness.


yeah it makes no sense, it's hilarious just like freddy got fingered yet it gets the same low rating too while tower heist (the worst film I've seen this year) gets a 68%, it's beyond me, I hope I never run into these retarded people on the streets

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


