The way I see it;
This movie has a charm. It has a good and interesting idea, it has a sense of humor, it can laugh at itself and all kinds of clichés and still keep a sort of 'serious tone', when it comes to danger - you really do think something terrible can happen at any point, and feel like the surroundings are actually dangerous.
Some of the jokes are funny, some of them are not, and a lot of them are a bit below the belt.
Great acting performances and strange happenings lift it up.
But then, having said all that, the movie comes up a little short, when it comes to satisfactory story, most of the jokes and humor, and basically feels a bit lackluster.
It's a good effort, but doesn't quite reach the mark, can't quite elevate itself up to the par, it stumbles and falls on its face just before the goal.
The result is a bit boring movie with pretty much nothing you haven't seen before, and the rest is quite predictable - some parts are even repetitive.
It's not a bad movie, but it doesn't quite achieve being a 'good movie', either. So as charming as it can be, it's just a little bit boring and lackluster and you don't really want to watch it again for a long while after you've seen it.
I saw it once in a hotel (of sorts), and had fond memories of it, but when I rewatched it, I realized it's not all that good, really.
Hence the low score.