well then maybe the protestants from Britain need to stop being imperialists and stop invading other peoples lands if they don't like having children seeing their parents die. What about all the children that were not able to be born in Ireland due to the British killing people based on religion? Staying in Britain sure would have saved a lot of lives. Britain has changed since Senator Mitchell and Blair and Adams sat down to a cup of tea (or Bottle o' Guiness), but Britain was out of control. Ireland for a very long time did not have the means to react to Britains agressive behavior towards them, and when they finally do, they get called terrorists for reacting to the British. Thats like saying its ok to shoot someone, and then not get punished when the evidence is built up enough for the other team to prosecute. In reality, what the Irish-Republicans are doing can be considered much more humane than what the British did. The Catholics don't want to kill all the Protestants if they don't turn Catholic (The protestants wanted all of Ireland to become Protestant, and just like Scotland, the British went around slaughtering non protestants for a while). They would just like the Counties back, and it's fine with them if their are protestants their. But when you talk of the IRA being terrorists, you should also talk of the near-holocausts the British have come close to committing.
David Lloyd George once promised Ireland that they would become one nation on one island. World War One happened and he lost power soon thereafter due to political changes in Britain that were made to economically hinder the German economy and help bring hitler to power due to Britain and Frances inability to allow Germany to take part in the treaty of Versailles. Next came Chamberlain and Churchill who both, although knowing that Ireland sent 245,000 troops to help in the allied attacks in mainland europe, decided to break the former PM's promise of a united Ireland and further the problems between the two. Thank you to Britain for many problems in africa, Ireland, the falklans, china, and the pakistan and India conflicts.
oh, and by the way, if anyone is wandering why drugs are here on earth, people should start reading up on the Opium wars. In short, the Chinese emperor told his people to destroy all the opium, and Britain came into China, took over and threatened invasion (china had also banned gunpowder at this time, hmmmm....) with their lethal guns and forced Chinese people into purchasing the drugs. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE,BRITAIN!!!
Muchos Grazie e tu, Brittania!!!