MovieChat Forums > The Devil's Own (1997) Discussion > 'If I'd seen my dad shot I'd be a terror...

'If I'd seen my dad shot I'd be a terrorist too' line...

When Ford is talking to the girlfriend he basically says that if he'd seen his father shot dead when he was eight, then he would probably be holding a gun too, and wouldn't have a badge, ie he would become a terrorist. Coming from the good guy, isn't that a slightly dodgy line, almost condoning terrorism?

The guy who shoots Pitt's father at the beginning doesn't look like a soldier - I would have guessed that he came from one of the protestant terrorist organisations rather than being a British soldier, since they don't tend to wear leather jackets and balaclavas.

I've got my doubts about the film's view of republican terrorism, as Pitt's character is basically a flawed anti-hero whom the viewer secretly roots for, whereas the English characters (as ever in Hollywood) are stuck up ruthless killers.

It's interesting how Pitt's character has apparently only ever killed soldiers and policemen, never civilians. This might serve to make him a more sympathetic character to those who subscribe to the "freedom fighter" view, whereas in real life the IRA killed many more civilians than members of the security services.

I very much doubt this film would have been made in the post 9/11 era.



"I think the point you have missed is that what he means is that if he had been in Pitts position he may have picked up a gun too, but not a badge. and could you blame him!"

I don't think I missed the point, I think that was my point exactly. He's saying that it's OK to go on a murderous rampage if you've got a beef.

"the issue of the soldier, firstly do you really think if an army officer killed a republican man in front of his wife and child he would do it an army uniform?! "

No, of course I don't think that an army executioner would be necessarily be dressed up as a soldier - it's still a valid point to ask why Pitt's character thought it was a soldier and not Loyalist killer.

"Another point, do you really think every member of the IRA has killed civilians? i dont think so."

No, of course I don't think that and I didn't say that either.


"O yeah?well the british security service killed/injured more civilians than republican freedom fighters."
I very much doubt this. Do you have figures to back it up?


i also hav a dead aunt and a nose broken twice by brits to back it up aswell


those aren't figures.



When Ford said about picking up a gun and not a badge, I don't think he was considering the religious/political composition of the RUC - I think he was talking to Pitt on a human level, basically saying that if he had seen his father shot dead then he would take up arms too.

My reading from that was that he was tacitly condoning Pitt's terrorist activities by saying it's OK to take up the gun if you're in an oppressed minority.


If a catholic even tried to join the RUC they would be beatin to a pulp


Try telling that to the Catholics who were in the RUC are now/still members of the Police service in NI.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good line!



The movie was decent but a lot of plot holes and stupid lines.

At the end... "We never had a choice".

That seems to be justifying his actions. Anyone from UK who has seen the numerous bombings carried out by the IRA on civilians would know they are not heroes. Women and children died for their "cause".

Acknowledging the story from both sides makes sense but don't glamourise murderers and terrorists as righteous people.


You want figures mate?
"The IRA caused about 1,800 deaths. Of these, roughly 1100 were members of the security forces - British Army, Royal Ulster Constabulary and Ulster Defence Regiment, between 600 and 650 were civilians and the remainder were either loyalist or republican paramilitaries"





Hundreds of Protestand children have seen their fathers and mothers killed by the IRA but they haven't become killers.

Cry God for Harry, England and St George


llf llf llf llf(that means laughing like *beep* ever heard of loyalists?


Rubbish. Groups such as the UDA and the UVF have butchered hundreds of Catholics just because they practise that religion. Im not saying one side is worse than the other, but that statement is the biggest load of crap on here and i would imagine the line at the bottom (concerning Harry, England etc) reflects what side you are coming from.


Yes the line at the bottem shows where I am coming from, that I love Shakespear's plays, did intend to chose "I'll met by moonlight proud Titania", but thought it sounded a little too girly.

I am not saying that hundreds of catholics were not killed by the UDA and the UVF, what I said was that hundreds of Protestants were also killed and that their children did not automatically become terrorist killers, many became peace actavists instead. So please don't judge until you know me.

Cry God for Harry, England and St George


and many Catholics also take the same route. The situation is not black and white, and to say that Protestants did not automatically become terrorist killers seems to imply some kind of bias on this discussion.


Sorry if you think that there is bias, at least from me, but yes there is bias now I think of it, in favour of reason I hope. I firmly belive, though you may consider me an idiot, that seeing such things makes most people Protestant and Catholic want to put a stop to such violence not become part of it; if that offends you then I am sorry.

Cry God for Harry, England and St George


Dont consider you an idiot at all. Just pointing out that in a sensitive conflict of this nature, language is all important and it did seem that you were suggesting that Catholics were more open to joining terrorist groups than Protestants. However, i didnt call you an idiot and i never thought that at all.

Your last post seems to be fair and i'll take it on face value. The conflict in Ireland, just as anywhere else, is full of people who demonise 'the other' and feel that one particular side is worse than the other. Lets hope that most people in Ireland have moved on from that and there will be no return to the days of violence.


Protestants are worse,far worse,every protestant youth yet to leave school is a member of the UYM and YCV

i take your english as you know absolute *beep* all but british propaganda,your probably believe it was the PIRA who did the omagh bombing etc.


Yes, because the British government would murder it's own citizens.

I'm just glad that things are calmer in Northern Ireland now. It just shows that years of terror and fear from both sides don't solve the problem, they just make it worse. Diplomacy is the only way to carve out a stable future. Perhaps something the Middle East could learn (and if only it was that simple!)


Ireland belongs to the Irish!!!


technically, the british government did murder some of its own citizens when Churchill decided to let one of the more populated towns be destroyed although he knew it was coming and could have warned the people to get out. Yes the Brtish government would murder its own people.


technically, the british government did murder some of its own citizens when Churchill decided to let one of the more populated towns be destroyed although he knew it was coming and could have warned the people to get out. Yes the Brtish government would murder its own people

The bombing of Coventry? Known of in advance through the Enigma decrypting work at Bletchly Park. Similar action was taken on more than one occasion to help hide the fact that German signals were easily intercepted and decrypted.


well then maybe the protestants from Britain need to stop being imperialists and stop invading other peoples lands if they don't like having children seeing their parents die. What about all the children that were not able to be born in Ireland due to the British killing people based on religion? Staying in Britain sure would have saved a lot of lives. Britain has changed since Senator Mitchell and Blair and Adams sat down to a cup of tea (or Bottle o' Guiness), but Britain was out of control. Ireland for a very long time did not have the means to react to Britains agressive behavior towards them, and when they finally do, they get called terrorists for reacting to the British. Thats like saying its ok to shoot someone, and then not get punished when the evidence is built up enough for the other team to prosecute. In reality, what the Irish-Republicans are doing can be considered much more humane than what the British did. The Catholics don't want to kill all the Protestants if they don't turn Catholic (The protestants wanted all of Ireland to become Protestant, and just like Scotland, the British went around slaughtering non protestants for a while). They would just like the Counties back, and it's fine with them if their are protestants their. But when you talk of the IRA being terrorists, you should also talk of the near-holocausts the British have come close to committing.

David Lloyd George once promised Ireland that they would become one nation on one island. World War One happened and he lost power soon thereafter due to political changes in Britain that were made to economically hinder the German economy and help bring hitler to power due to Britain and Frances inability to allow Germany to take part in the treaty of Versailles. Next came Chamberlain and Churchill who both, although knowing that Ireland sent 245,000 troops to help in the allied attacks in mainland europe, decided to break the former PM's promise of a united Ireland and further the problems between the two. Thank you to Britain for many problems in africa, Ireland, the falklans, china, and the pakistan and India conflicts.

oh, and by the way, if anyone is wandering why drugs are here on earth, people should start reading up on the Opium wars. In short, the Chinese emperor told his people to destroy all the opium, and Britain came into China, took over and threatened invasion (china had also banned gunpowder at this time, hmmmm....) with their lethal guns and forced Chinese people into purchasing the drugs. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE,BRITAIN!!!
Muchos Grazie e tu, Brittania!!!


"Hundreds of Protestand children have seen their fathers and mothers killed by the IRA but they haven't become killers."

I was in stitches on the ground before I could actually write this comment.

You really havent got a clue or else your just a biased fool, Loyalist paramilitaries are responsible for the most civilian casulties in the troubles.

They had no political agenda but their ideogly was based on pure hatred for catholics, serial killers with no political agenda. Maybe I could shed some light on the troubles for the Americans reading this and some of the savage crimes the Loyalist paramilitaries were responsible for:

The Shankill butchers, a hit squad of the UVF who murdered over 30 civilians. They were most notorious for their late-night abduction, torture and murder of random Catholic civilians. Now when does abducting an innocent man and pulling his teeth out with plyers become an act of war, they were animals.

The UVF were far worse that the Provos, Dublin and Monaghan bombings, killed 33 civilians, the highest number of deaths in a single day during the conflict.

Gusty Spence(leader of the UVF) later wrote "At the time, the attitude was that if you couldn't get an IRA man you should shoot a Taig, he's your last resort".

I could go on all day about the scum that were the Loyalist paramilitaries.

What started the troubles? Catholics being treated like 2nd class citizens, couldnt get jobs, wernt allowed to vote, burned and intimited out of their houses while the RUC watched on.

What would you do? In step the resistance = the Provisional IRA.

Fair enough they didnt remove England from the north but they got catholics recognised and crumbled a loyalist governemt.


When Ford is talking to the girlfriend he basically says that if he'd seen his father shot dead when he was eight, then he would probably be holding a gun too, and wouldn't have a badge, ie he would become a terrorist. Coming from the good guy, isn't that a slightly dodgy line, almost condoning terrorism?

A pretty poor throw away line. Would this suggest that every cop who sees someone being shot dead from their community should start carrying out extra-judicial shootings?

True enough, a pro-terrorist film would be hard to stomach in the US. Another ironic line from this film, if only every Bush voter could be made to watch it a few times.


But what would you know alistair?clearly nothing as every point youve made is anti-republican and historically and politically incorrect


But what would you know alistair?clearly nothing as every point youve made is anti-republican and historically and politically incorrect

Um, my comment above was about the second world war, Germany was allowed to raid Coventry unhindered so as to make it seem like their codes were unbroken. Its a fairly well known story.

Besides, since when did being anti-republican and being incorrect go together? ;)


Ever since anti-republican statements were issued by our good unionist friends....Although tell me,were they incorrect..or lying?

And i know what your comment was about,but you cant give us a history lesson about anything if you think things like the PIRA did the omagh bomb(ill never let you live that down son) Yet you have the nerve to come on here telling US about republican Fighting forces


if you think things like the PIRA did the omagh bomb(ill never let you live that down son)

I'm trying to find that, what thread did I say it in?


I've found a post here;

where I suggested someone was hypocritical for declaring that the PIRA were bombing and shooting at legitimate targets all along but could declare the Omagh bombing (carried out by another Republican group) as deplorable.

Is that what you were referring to?


"The IRA has purposefully gone out to kill a lot of people. You can't argue otherwise, what would planting a bomb in a main street with little to no warning do than kill lots of bystanders? "

Yes alistair,this is what im referring to,but it doesnt seem like your saying the omagh bomb was carried out by another republican group (the RIRA btw,extra points if you even knew what that stood for,before you looked it up)then deemed deplorable by the PIRA to me,it LOOKS like your saying it was committed BY the IRA (The PIRA) but correct me if im wrong(which im not)

you cant argue your way out of this one son


"The IRA has purposefully gone out to kill a lot of people. You can't argue otherwise, what would planting a bomb in a main street with little to no warning do than kill lots of bystanders? "

Yes alistair,this is what im referring to,but it doesnt seem like your saying the omagh bomb was carried out by another republican group (the RIRA btw,extra points if you even knew what that stood for,before you looked it up)then deemed deplorable by the PIRA to me,it LOOKS like your saying it was committed BY the IRA (The PIRA) but correct me if im wrong(which im not)

The Provisional IRA has planted many bombs in many streets killing many innocent bystanders, that's what I meant. Where you found the Omagh bombing in that paragraph is not clear.

You're wrong but have been corrected :)


Actually alistair,the IRA gave warnings before planting bombs in main streets,but i suppose you "girlfriend" never told you this,i dont see why the IRA had to do the british publics work either,such as bombing margaret thatcher(such a shame on u brits that us irish are braver than you scum to kill your own prime minister,another shame was that the lucky *beep* went to the toilet)

shut the *beep* up about irish history and politics if u no *beep* all about it son


Actually alistair,the IRA gave warnings before planting bombs in main streets,but i suppose you "girlfriend" never told you this

The IRA gave infamously inadequate warnings (or none at all), whatever my girlfriend is supposed to have to do with this, you can check for yourself in history books or websites.


Oh yeah suppose thats your opinion,but you were "infamously" lucky to get warnings at all,and maybe if you hadnt screwed us over in the partition treaty you wouldnt have to worry about bombs,why dont you watch "the wind that shakes the barley"a film made by a BRITISH director which truly shows how the irish people were screwed over and stop looking up your information on wikipedia,and maybe you shouldnt have told us where shes from (as if that gives you free reighn to talk about our country like you actually know about it)


but you were "infamously" lucky to get warnings at all

Yes, we were "lucky" to get to warnings, do you think we would have preferred none at all? What's that even supposed to mean?

watch "the wind that shakes the barley"a film made by a BRITISH director which truly shows how the irish people were screwed over

I've not had a chance to see it, but most reviews seemed to mention that it mostly showed how Republicans were the one's being screwed, screwed over by their own leadership more than anything.

stop looking up your information on wikipedia,and maybe you shouldnt have told us where shes from (as if that gives you free reighn to talk about our country like you actually know about it)

You're making less and less sense, where who is from? Check any of my facts and provide counter cites of information if you wish, but I think you probably won't somehow...


These would be british reviews i suppose?And yes there was a huge split in the Irish republican movement AFTER the partition,because some men didnt have the balls to fight on for the rest of Ireland as is shown at the end of the film when one brother must kill another for continuing the fight for the north of ireland(and guess which one is the good guy and which is perceived as a bad guy),but i dont see how that means the republicans screwed the republicans?

Im talking about your girlfriend being from northern ireland,or is that something else you "didnt say"?

Wtf do you think the warnings were for?The IRA were soldiers not monsters,they werent Al-Qaeda extremists out to kill innocent civilians,but if some people were too pig-headed to "bow down to terrorism" and leave the area,then they deserved everything they got.


These would be british reviews i suppose?And yes there was a huge split in the Irish republican movement AFTER the partition,because some men didnt have the balls to fight on for the rest of Ireland as is shown at the end of the film when one brother must kill another for continuing the fight for the north of ireland

No, Irish reviews as well as British. It showed how Republican leadership was always prepared to negotiate with the Brits and climb back from their proclaimations.

Im talking about your girlfriend being from northern ireland,or is that something else you "didnt say"?

I'm from NI, my girlfriend is from NI, I'm not sure what the significance of that is. Did you think I came from elsewhere?

The IRA were soldiers not monsters,they werent Al-Qaeda extremists out to kill innocent civilians

The only difference is in numbers, Al-Qaeda being more proficient than the IRA in all its forms.

I'm begining to think you're really not a Republican and this is some strangely sarcastic attempt to discredit Irish Republicans everywhere :)


"The only difference is in numbers, Al-Qaeda being more proficient than the IRA in all its forms."

Im a little hungover here and squinting to read that but what do you mean exactly? Because if your saying Al-Qaeda are a more advanced organisation than the IRA were ,and that the IRA didnt care who they killed,then you must be drinking drano.


Because if your saying Al-Qaeda are a more advanced organisation than the IRA were ,and that the IRA didnt care who they killed,then you must be drinking drano

Republican terrorists, just like Al-Qaeda, have set themselves limits on who they can and can't kill that they ignore when it suits them.

And yes, if the IRA have such difficulty in killing that it take them 30 years to kill less people than Al-Qaeda did on September 11th 2001, that makes them less advanced as terrorists go.


well considering al qaeda killed civilians on september 11th and the IRA focused on british oppression then thats a pretty stupid point to make,IRA had the best intelligence,the best training,the best equipment.

How much people do you think the IRA would have killed if they sent all of their men to Britain to gun down and blow up all they could see?Oh and by the way,theres a difference in fighting the british army for freedom,and killing anyone you can in the name of allah and the belief that you will go to heaven by doing so

Ask a british army veteran who was the best "terrorist" group in the world is to date?


Coming back from the Middle East, they'd say Al-qaeda!

The IRA tried to blow up and shoot everyone they could by the way, so the dead would amount to the same...


According to CAIN they didn't. The official figures show that the IRA killed many more legitimate targets than they did civilians, which is more than can be said for loyalists or the collusive british forces.


You're retarded.

The SAS would say Al-Qaida is a damn joke compared to the IRA.

The IRA could actually kill the best-trained Special Forces unit in the world... Al-Qaida couldn't dream of killing an SAS operative unless it was 100 to 1 odds and even then I'd put money on the SAS guy.


Stop spewing out feel good material.

You're a bad liar.


The IRA killed more Catholics than any one else.


british soldiers came in all sorts of clothing...such as the black and tans. He was probably not a soldier but part of the Northern Irish's attempt at disarming catholics.



The Determinist


Two groups of people that should not debate Northern Ireland: the British and the Irish.

The rest of us understand that the British invaded Ireland and treated the people there very badly. We understand that it is natural for a people to fight for their independence in that situation. We understand that the British slaughtered too many Irish to count when they let loose an army of actual criminals on Ireland. And we understand, if we have read up on the subject, that Northern Ireland does not have the same history as the rest of Ireland, and that IRA was hijacked by communists and turned into a communist organization supported by few Irish.

That is what communists do. In Indo-China, they killed or betrayed the nationalist leaders that fought the French, so any young Vietnamese who wanted to fight for independence, was then forced to join the communists.

I'd say, the conflict is over. The IRA today is not what it was. The British groups should be damn careful what they say. Ireland is free, and Northern Ireland should remain what it is today, and be very autonomous. And when the Catholics in NI are far more numerous than the British, and vote away British control, then let them.


Maybe his Dads killer was SAS?
