Brad Pitt's voice

does any one know if someone dubbed for brad pitt? it didnt seem like his voice and it realy sounded authentic irish!


Ha ha. Authentic? Get a grip, it was about as authentic as that Gucci watch you bought on holiday for $10.


To answer that, no, he didn't sound authentic, unless you mean "new york american I'm most definitely irish because my great great great grandfather was possibly born there and my family have lived in the irish district ever since" then yes it was absolutely perfect, otherwise it was a bad accent. I can do better with a few sentences practise. It was brad pitt doing the voice.


you know, I don't think his accent was that bad. Certainly not one of the worst Irish accents ever.


I agree with you. I think Pitt's accent was quite good. There have been so many REALLY BAD Irish accents in movies (think Tom Cruise in Far and Away) and I remember reading an article in People magazine where they showed some of the Hollywood movies with big stars doing Irish accents to folks in an Irish Pub. Then asked them whose accents were most realistic and the concensus was that Pitt's was the best. Albeit he was up against some very bad accents, but one of the pub-sters said Pitt was excellent. I think many are just anti-Brad Pitt.


Have you seen "Snatch"? Do you think he improved his accent?


I loved Snatch - it is one in my personal library. I think he does a great job in it, but it's not really an Irish accent (he's a gypsy). I work at a video store and many people complained that they couldn't understand him, but I thought that was sort of the point of his character - you weren't really supposed to understand him but only understand what he's feeling. Great movie!


"Now there was a problem with Pikeys or Gypsies. Can't really understand much of what is being said. It's not Irish. It's not English. It's just, well, it's just Pikey."
--Turkish (Snatch)


The character in Snatch isn't really a Gypsy, he's an Irish traveller. Gypsys are Roma and they came from India during the middle ages. Travellers are basically Irish people that couldnt get their land back after the Famine and didnt bother emmigrating and started roaming the roads(thus creating a confusion with Gypsys).

Republicans dont watch stand up, theyre busy watching cartoons, trying to see who's gay.


Irish travellers are called many different things such as Pavees, Knackers, Tinkers, and Travellers. Jayus Johnnie the horse is after gettin away.


I actually know some real Irish gypsies and Pitt's accent was spot on. He was hilarious, too.


I agree, I think he did a good job with that Ulster accent.


I think because Brad Pitt is so incredibly good looking, that his acting abilitites are overshadowed. He is really a good actor and has worked to avoid typecasting as just a pretty face. I have yet to see him in a movie where I am not impressed by his acting and I am always pleased when he tackles a role that is different.



I remember reading an article in People magazine where they showed some of the Hollywood movies with big stars doing Irish accents to folks in an Irish Pub. Then asked them whose accents were most realistic and the concensus was that Pitt's was the best.

I remember that. If I remember correctly Richard Gere came in last for his accent in The Jackal.

A list of every movie I've seen:


I was wondering when someone would bring up The Jackal! That accent was horrific.

My portfolio:


he didn't sound authentic, unless you mean "new york american" Becasue Brad Pitt is from New York?

His accent was fine people will always bitch about something. I remember people say Angela Lansbury "English accent is the worst ever" and not realising that she is from England, she just spent years in America so people said that she sucked.

"That wasn't flying, that was........falling with style"


Pitt was born in Oklahoma and raised in Missouri.

What we have here is failure to communicate!


Over 11 years on. It's very hard to take off the northern Ireland accent I think he did a good enough job with it.


Response to a decade old comment :-)

I thought he sounded too self conscious of it throughout ....


LOL good post mate, it always cracks me up when yanks claim to be irish. To be fair i couldnt see much wrong with brad pitts accent but then again im english so i dont know. I can tell a northern irish and southern irish accent apart but thats the extent of my knowledge


South or North, you can't beat the people who TRY to do the Irish Accent that live in the very northwest part of England. I think they call it Georgian? It used to take me two watchings of each movie to get the full meaning because I didn't understand it that well.

Now that I have become a Catherine Cookson fan, I pick it up quite easily in the movies I have by her.

Terrified... mortified... petrified... stupefied... by you.



LOL i liked that Gucci statement


I heard that there was some article about Belfast natives being shown various clips of American actors doing Irish accents, and all of them saying that Brad Pitt's performance in 'The Devil's Own' was the most accurate.

His accent was fine people will always bitch about something. I remember people say Angela Lansbury "English accent is the worst ever" and not realising that she is from England, she just spent years in America so people said that she sucked.

LOL They must have felt like morons afterward.


Angela Lansbury's "English" accent is just fine (you can even hear it coming through her American accent). It's her Cockney accent that sucks.


I have to say, as a real honest to God, Born and raised Irishman myself (Born in Dublin, lived there for over 20 years until I moved to USA) Brad Pitt's accent wasn't half bad. Definitely one of the best attempts at an Irish accent by an American actor that I have ever heard.

Far better than Tom Cruise's abomination in Far and Away. And as for Julia Roberts' attempt in Michael Collins, well, enough said.


I'd have to agree... the accent wasn't perfect, but was far better than most could od. The Irish accent really is a tough one to do, seeing as how there are big changes in it from Marley, to Rathfarnham, to Ballyroan/Knocklyn to Tallaght/Firhouse (which only spans a couple of miles in south Dublin). When you go to inter-county accents, and then the Northern accent, it is a tough one to get. I'd personally love to see Edward Norton or maybe Sean Penn give it a shot... then again, I said the same for Kevin Spacey, and we all know how that turned out (Ordinary Decent Criminal).


I've heard Pitt's Ulster(?) speech was nearly spot on. Bet the hoose onit!


Actually I live about 20 minutes from where Brad's character is supposed to have lived. So in essence, his accent is meant to be live mine. Believe me, it was NOTHING like my accent. Way off. It's more of a Waterford accent, but not much like it.


As I have already mentioned in another board, since English is not my native language the accent isn't so important to me (and to millions moviegoers all over the world, I suppose). Irish, Scottish, English, American English etc. sound pretty much the same to me. In my opinion the most important part of a performance is the voice's tone, the face's expression and the body's motion. That said, I think that Brad Pitt has rendered excellently the delicate nuances of a complex, real-life character as Frankie McGuire. In my opinion his performance in this movie is outstanding as always.



Absolutely!I'm a Down man myself and I thought that aswell as accent another thing was that Brad's frasology was identical to the way I and a lot of my friends all speak. I thought he did a fantastic job, and fair play to Brendan. I know people who didn't realise he was NOT Irish when they saw it.


Not the biggest Brad Pitt fan, but fair play, he sounded pretty good to me. All round a good performance. (A little too much eye-fluttering, as always).


Brendan Gunn is originally from County Fermanagh but has lived in Co Down for years. He's actually my dad's cousin! It is true that Brad Pitt lived with Brendan and his family for a few months, with the aim of picking up the accent, use of vocabulary and general sayings of the area. Brendan Gunn also worked with Brad Pitt on 'Snatch' and attended his wedding to Jennifer Aniston!
The accent wasn't to bad - when has anyone heard a 'true' Northern Irish accent spoken by an American Actor??


I think Brad Pitt's accent was very good, and quite frankly, I thought his acting was EXCELLENT. I love "The Devil's Own" and think it's a very good movie.


Brad Pitt hated this movie. He wanted out and the studio wouldn't let him. So it's very likely that he wasn't trying to be authentic Irish. His performance in "Snatch" was better.



Brad Pitts accent was terrible!!

I am from Northern Ireland and I have an N.I. accent.
He doesnt sound ANYTHING like me, my family or anybody I know.


I realize this is a restatement of alot of people but this was NOT a good Ulster accent I live in Donegal and have friends and family all over NI. I happen to like brad pitt as an actor but this was down right abismal. Yes there have been much much worse but from an actor of his caliber I expected more.


On behalf of them people of Northern Ireland(i remember going to watch this film and the whole cinema was going :0 Since when do we sound like that!! :)
His accent was pathetic- the way he pronounced Lough Neagh- CRINGE. It came out Lough Nee-a-yay :)
But fair play to him for giving it a go, but he sounded more german to me than anywhere in Ulster :)




I didn't think Pitt's accent was nearly as terrible as many have made it out to be. Although he didn't say "Ireland" the right way, which was a dead giveaway (in Belfast it would sound like "air-land" or maybe "ar-land").



er *beep* in belfast its "IRElind" and i have the most common belfast accent around.


I just watched the movie again.I'm really not a fan of it - it's kind of all over the place and is beyond cheesey! As far as Brad Pitt's accent goes... I'm from Northern Ireland and I reckon his accent is not great, but it's not the worst I've ever heard either....there are a few bits when you just want to scream 'Noooooooo..we don't sound like that!!' and I totally agree with the Lough Neagh comment! Cringe!!


Im from Belfast here in Norn Iron and his accent sounded pretty much there, if you know what I mean - he just needed it to be a tad more 'broader'.
(even thou he says hes from 'Cookstown')

BUT unfort the face did not fit
saw this last night on the telly........he looks a bit too californian.......they should have shaved his head, made it look like he had facial scars and a bit of a goatie.....maybe add in brown contact lenses for deep brown eyes....etc.....
OR had Daniel Day Lewis in for this part.

I want to all men!


My girlfriend's from Belfast and we both cringed listening to Pitt maul the accent. But then he did admit to being from Cookstown, which is presumably a lot closer to Belfast on American maps than in real life :)


LOL when Harrison said 'it that near Belfast?'
tell ya what, brad and harrison started to sound a little like Bill the Butcher - that American Irish accent.

still.......I kinda understand the cringing......we have a lot of males that could have stood in place of Pitt.....

I want to all men!


i think its a cliche to simply ridecule hollywood actors when they use irish accents or foreign accents in general
i dont care what anyone says , bradd pitts accent in the devils own was very nearly spot on
i see people in here saying he sometimes sounded like he was from belfast while at other times he sounded like he was from derry
ive news for you people , most people outside nothern ireland and i include people from dublin like myself cant tell the difference between a belfast accent and a derry accent or down or whatever
his accent was gennerally speaking an accuarate potrayal of a norhtern irish accent
thier have been many hollywood actors who have made a dogs dinner out of irish accents or brittish accents
tom cruise in far and away , no one in ireland speaks like that
or julia robberts in michael collins , jon voight in the general was the best irish accent ive ever seen potrayed by an american actor but bradd by and large was convincing in the devils own
even the movie did suck


The reason he doesnt sound Irish is cause he's playing someone from Northern Ireland!!! Most of the time it sounded like a belfast accent, but sometimes it was just terrible, Louch Neigh springs to mind!.

Also how come:
When asked he said he was from cookstown, yet at the start of the film when his dad got shot the news reporter said that it happened in a remote fishing village.

Anyone living in Ulster would know that Cookstown is not a remote fishing village!!


When asked he said he was from cookstown, yet at the start of the film when his dad got shot the news reporter said that it happened in a remote fishing village

lol! I thought that too as soon as he said he was from Cookstown. Where the hell is the coastline around Cookstown! It reminds me of the ER episode where the English doctor referred to treating patients in the Bogside in Belfast :)


There is a bogside in belfast mate does *beep* ever stop coming from your mouth?i take it your girlfriend is a loyalist and thats why you downtrod the irish all the time especially with that pathetic thread you made (rofl and also whe nyou said the IRA did the omagh bombing was the final nail in your coffin)

Pitts accent was terrible


There is a bogside in belfast mate

There are many places in Northern Ireland with the same name, in context its obvious which location is meant.




Its a good irish accent (at times) but isnt an ulster accent, the ulster accent isnt as romantic as the southen accent, its much harsher. Being this is a pitt/ford flick choices of style would have been chosen over accuracy, how many young girls would have seen this film to see brad pit with the irish accent? if he had sounded like iain paisley i think some sex appeal would have been lost

One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know.


the first time i saw this film i thought pitt's accent was pretty bad, but it was on tv the other night and i thought he didn't do that bad a job. maybe its just that its weird to see pitt talking with that accent. i live in N. Norhtern and i grew up not more than 20 miles from cookstown where pitts character says he is from. the N. irish accent is apparently very had for people who don't live there to do, so youv'e gotta give him some credit!

p.s matt not every gun fight that has happened in N. ireland has happened in cookstown!!!


"p.s matt not every gun fight that has happened in N. ireland has happened in cookstown"

When exactly did I say that? Thats just an igronant and stupid comment to make on your behalf!

I was pointing out that at the start of the film Brad Pitts father gets killed and the news reporter said that it happened in a remote fishing village. And that Cookstown is not a remote fishing village!

