It just occurred to me what was wrong with George Clooney in Batman & Robin. He when you get right down to it, just comes off as too much of a smug, smirking prick. I'm not saying that movie heroes who can be pricks can't work. Take for instance, Han Solo, Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters, John McClaine in Die Hard, James Bond, or Jack Burton in Big Trouble in Little China. The point is that in those cases, there was at least something inherently charming, charismatic, likable, and multi-faceted.
With Clooney, there are times where he just comes off like a cold, rich douche (like the part when he tells Pamela Isley off in front of everybody regarding her dangerous eco-plans) just for the sake of it. Part of that is Clooney's fault because he sometimes has inherently this pretentious aura about him. Part of that is the direction that the filmmakers chose to make. Clooney as Bruce Wayne/Batman is I suppose meant to be the straight man but it just adds to the inherent cynicism to the finished product.