Thoughts On Cully?

What are your thoughts on the character Cully?


I kept hoping she would just go away, get married to some schlub and not appear on the series anymore. Obviously I didn't enjoy her character very much.


Cully was an irritating spoiled brat. I just watched the episode where Cully organized a 10 yr.reunion with some school friends. She was stupid and oblivious that nobody wanted to "reunion", not to mention she forgot the bullying. I was hoping that girl would drown Cully or the killer would get her. The only way I can watch a Cully episode is to fast forward her scenes. She's nothing but filler anyway. Joyce wasn't too bad. Laura Howard was also an irritating actress, although some people might like her if you don't mind someone who cocks her head to the side and can't look at people straight on.


That is a vey peculiar episode. i didn't want cully to drown, it would make poor Tom and joyce so unhappy, but it was very odd the whole reunion business. Cully doesn't seem to have much luck with her friends, there's another one in which an old friend turns out be a crook.


I currently have 'Bad Tidings' on in the background and it's reminded me how irritating Cully is in this episode. She's annoyingly desperate for everything to be perfect with her old "friends".


I liked her at start, but on later episodes writers tried so hard to change her what she wasnt at start and it started to feel out of character.


She has lots of facial hair.


The series is about the Police officers. Their families are just to make them human.



I've never really cared for her character. She seems very simple and a bit self absorbed.

Daddy! He's killed Steve and he's jamming the door with him!


As they were running out of story lines, they resorted to molding, like modeling clay, Cully in whatever soap opera-type character they needed. The worst was that episode where she suddenly needs to have a mini-class reunion. And what about those sound effects. Is it possible for a stroller (pram) to have such loud squeaky wheels that everyone who hears this noise is spooked?


that episode is truly bizarre. She hasn't seen or spokem to any of these girls for ten yaers, despite them all still living in the area, then suddenly wants to see them all. Why? and the squeaky pram thing is ludicrous.


That "reunion" episode was weird. The people she was flogging to be reunited with were awful people and she was so simpering that it was just horrible.

Daddy! He's killed Steve and he's jamming the door with him!


for people that didn't want to draw attention to themselves, the squeaking was ridiculous


The fact that Cully suddenly needed to do some sort of weird reunion together was strange, BUT this story underlines two facts. 1. This was the last episode with Troy and maybe the writers wrote something really stupid because they were flummoxed at Daniel Casey's departure which I don't think was expected. 2. The story line is one of a woman who gets pregnant out of wedlock, gives the baby to a friend of lower circumstances and this friend tries to hide the baby by walking her at night. It is an expression of embarrassment and there are many times when someone is trying to hide something that weird stuff happens. So she freaked everyone out with this strange nightly noise. Many years ago it was common for unwed women who accidently got pregnant to take a six-month "vacation," and then give the baby to her mother or an aunt who would then pass the baby off as a much younger sibling, niece or nephew. And since it is now normal for unwed mothers to have and raise babies, they, for some reason, wanted to use this story line and this was the only way to do it. Cully's character was treated like a can of Play do, they remade her into whatever they needed. They used the reunion as a device to assemble a group of girls. Perhaps they could have come up with a better excuse other than Cully "suddenly deciding."


actually this was the first episode with Scott rather than the last one with Troy. The last one with Troy was The Green Man. I haven't watched this episode for a while, but I think the girl wanting to hide that she had a baby was be ause she didn't want the boyfriend to find out, he'd been away I think when she had the baby by someone else.


Yep, it's been awhile since I've watched those episodes. Thanks.
