MovieChat Forums > Johnny Bravo (1997) Discussion > Found Something Sexual...

Found Something Sexual...

I was watching JB the other day, and found something very sexual. On the episode where Susie has a birthday party, and Ferra Faucet (evidently her cousin) comes, there is a scene where Ferra is playing pin the tail on the donkey. While playing she says, "I can't remember the last time I was blindfolded... (pauses) Wait, yes I can! (she then laughs) Oops!" When I got that, I couldn't stop laughing! Can anyone think of more sex jokes? (Johny Bravo:The best CN show outside of Adult Swim)



Can anyone explain to me the joke where that one chick is rubbing that cat on her leg in the Jungle Boy mind control ep? Still to this day I don't get it.



You know the name Pussy Galore right? First word is the hint.

"While guys hold on to their toys forever, girls soon throw out their playthings."


Damn, how could I have missed that one? LOL.



Wait, people think the blindfold joke ISN'T sexual? What the hell else would it even mean? The last time she hit a pinata? Yea, right.

Earlier in the same episode when Suzie asks him to come to her party, he says something like "yea call me in 15 years when you're a co-ed." There was another one where he says something about playing with himself, and then gives the "camera"/audience a look with a raised eyebrow.


Live and learn. At least we lived.
