MovieChat Forums > Johnny Bravo (1997) Discussion > Found Something Sexual...

Found Something Sexual...

I was watching JB the other day, and found something very sexual. On the episode where Susie has a birthday party, and Ferra Faucet (evidently her cousin) comes, there is a scene where Ferra is playing pin the tail on the donkey. While playing she says, "I can't remember the last time I was blindfolded... (pauses) Wait, yes I can! (she then laughs) Oops!" When I got that, I couldn't stop laughing! Can anyone think of more sex jokes? (Johny Bravo:The best CN show outside of Adult Swim)


I was watching JB the other day, and found something very sexual. On the episode where Susie has a birthday party, and Ferra Faucet (evidently her cousin) comes, there is a scene where Ferra is playing pin the tail on the donkey. While playing she says, "I can't remember the last time I was blindfolded... (pauses) Wait, yes I can! (she then laughs) Oops!" When I got that, I couldn't stop laughing! Can anyone think of more sex jokes? (Johny Bravo:The best CN show outside of Adult Swim)

That has no sexual implication what so ever. You're probably stretching it so you can feel like you're in on some kind of joke when there is nothing implied by it. There are plenty of moments in the show that have sexual innuendo, however this is not one of them.



Haha how do you figure? What is the purpose of the line if she's not referring to wearing a blindfold in a sexual situation?


Maybe those are coincidences. I doubt they put things like these for kids. I never paid attention to these things.

"The good thing of being a widow is that you will always know where your husband is"


Re: jjka-1,

That's a stretch.


I'm pretty sure JB just said "You can rub my tools and talk about me!"


Again, in the episode with the Amazon women, Johnny goes up to a couple of them and starts doing the monkey dance. The two women howl for an elephant, that would soon smoosh him, but he said, "Oh, so you're one of those screamer types too, eh?" I laughed so hard after I watched that recently.

Hehehehe, DUST.



It's been a while since I watched this, but I do remember when I first started watching it when I was 11 I noticed a lot of adult humor, and so did my friends. That's why we all liked it.

The one I remember most was when Johnny went up to a girl and said something like "Hey baby, wanna come back to my home on the range, I'll show you how the deer and the antelope play." That one was funny.


i recall one episode where he goes to a jewel thief's apartment and says

"I've never been inside a woman's place before... I mean, i've been inside them, but-"

Don't dream it, be it.


absolutely sexual innuendo, the first thought when i heard/seen the scene


How about this one:

"My love is a tidal wave & you're beachfront property!"

That was from "Endless Bummer." It may be on Fliiby (


Where's the joke if Farrah wasn't talking about sex with the blindfold line? There isn't one. It was emphasized for a reason.

lol @ the person that said "they wouldn't put this in for the kids". You're right, they wouldn't. JB was one of those shows made in the era where "all ages" didn't mean "kids", it meant all ages. For more reference, see Batman: The Animated Series.

And you should all be ashamed for not mentioning when Johnny goes to court, sees a hot judge, and asks her if he can "please the court" XD



i found this really funny.
Kid: [shouts] Look, Mommy! That guy's looking at pictures of almost naked men!
[the whole store stares at Johnny]
Johnny Bravo: This is a men's fitness magazine, I want to look *like* this, not at this... I've got nothin' to be ashamed of!
[walks up to cashier ashamed, and drops change on the counter]
Johnny Bravo: ... TV Guide.

i cried when marissa coooper died.

