Favorite lines to recite

Come on, who doesn't love to say "How HIGH a ridge ah could not TELL"?

--"The principles of surgery are the same above and below the neck."--


I'm fond of the bastard people line, sounds like something my grandmother would say (she refers to us as "you people".)

Come to the board for Jon Vitti!


I say "wiiiild" a lot from the "Bulging River" sequence. Also "here's lookin' at you, babe."

"I don't respond well to intimidation. It makes me feel icky."




--"The principles of surgery are the same above and below the neck."--


"GOD I wish I was in the show"

"Everybody dance"

"You're bastard people. Thats what you are!"

"I just hate you and I hate your ASS face!"

"I want to try that less is more acting"

"It's a Zen thing, like how many babies fit in a tire. You know...the old joke"

"People don't like to have fire poked... POKED in their face."

"so that young men from here to Timbuktu can feel the wind of freedom blowin' through their hairrrrr! "

"It's like in the olden days, in the... days of France, when men would slap each other with their gloves... say, y'know..."D'Artagnan!"... y'know, "how dare you talk to me like that, you!," and... smack 'em! "

"These go to Eleven"

Check me out at:



You know the old saying...
"If you dont like the weather in Missouri, just wait five minutes. Well I think, with some hard work, the good people of Blaine can knock that down to 3 or 4." --- Mayor Welsch



I love it when Corky talks about when he first got out of the Navy & came to NYC "with just a dance belt and a tube of chapstik." - Oh my god, how gay can you get?!
And then, recalling gaily how he wanted to work construction: "I imagined, in my fantasies, that I could work up there with all those guys, with one of those hardhats that kind of sloped like that, and chaps, but that didn't work out." - I'm a bit off the end of that line, but you get the idea! Christopher Guest plays 'gay' so well!
I also love the way Brian Doyle Murray looks at Corky when he's at the garage, chatting up his son for the play: "So, how tall are you?" He's like 'Dude, when you're finished with this fruit, can ya get back to that radiator?' -LOL funny!

"The Film in which you are about to see is an
account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths"



People say, You must have been the class clown. And I say, No, I wasn't. But I sat next to the class clown, and I studied him.


Best Line Hands Down:

"I'm just...I'm just gonna go home and BITE MY PILLOW! That's what I'm gonna do!"

That line CRACKS ME UP SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! No one ever seems to think that line is funny but I couldn't stop laughing for like 18 minutes after hearing that!!!


"See, your...your just squeezing those boobies out."

"Everybody dance!"

"My Bubbe made a Kishke, she made it nice and fat, and when she showed it to me, I said I can't eat that!"

"Oh, I wonder who could know I'm vacationing at the Oasis!"


"Don't be nervous. What I do is, if there's a blank spot, just say a line, even if it's from another show."

"Don't get me started on Beans!"
~First Scene of Red, White and Blaine
DAh! Can't remember his name!

"We shall stop here for the night. The women and children must rest."
"Don't you rest on our account Daniel Potter. We women are just as strong and resiliant as you men!"
"Ha Ha Ha! I believe yah are Rebecca. I believe yah are."
~Covered Wagons
Ron and Sheila

"What did your keen and perceptive eyes spy?"
~Covered Wagons

"It is the smell of salt watah!"
~Covered Wagons
Dr. Pearl

"Everybody Dance!"
~Covered Wagons

"Well a farmah's life is a tuffin'
Summah corn don't grow on it's own
Whip's a crackin'
Oxen a puffin'"
~Bulging River
Dr. Pearl

I so wish they hadn't cut this song. I love it so much. Especialy Corky's solo at the end!

I can't put any more cus its 12:15 and I could be up all night and probably rewrite the whole movie. I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH!!!


Ron: Some people find it ironical that we're travel agents who have never left Blaine...

my friend and i have started substituting it for "ironic;" i don't think we've actually said "ironic" for 2 yrs now when talking to each other. and it still cracks us up...


There are so many wonderful lines, it's hard to narrow it down. Here are a few favorites that haven't been mentioned:

Corky's left the show. He's left the show and it's my show (Lloyd)

I didn't know deer could do THAT (Corky to Clifford)

I don't have any swimmin' in my show (Corky)

Why are you whispering? I'm right here (Corky to Lloyd)

And who's on top and who's on bottom now? WHO'S ON TOP AND WHO'S ON BOTTOM NOW! (Libby May's audition scene)

Hush child, hush (Sheila to Libby in Bulging River)

It was a sad one because the rope broke (Corky)

Glad there are so many others who recognize what a great film this is...


Do you really say all those?

--"The principles of surgery are the same above and below the neck."--


Don't forget DRAMATICAL. I don't remember where this line was used, I want to say is Mrs. Pearl that says it.

I often use ironical and dramtical in everyday language thinking that I am sending out clever code to other WFG fans, when all I'm really doing is sounding moronical.


Okay some of these are from the deleted scenes:

"I've always wanted to ride on the back of a sperm whale, among other things"

"Judy says these shoes don't fit"

"Why are you whispering, I'm right here"

"And what can I do with nothing?"

The problem is, I say the first two lines in contexts that may not be deemed "appropriate." Such as:

I call someone on my phone and they say hello, and I respond with "Judy says these shoes don't fit."

I think it's a little disconcerting for some people.



"she always laughs 'n says "now, who's that?" "

"l.a.'s really not the kind of place where you need a car..."

"wwwhhhho knew?"

"it was a schtick i was doing..."

"ya no quiero la tortilla..."

"some for selling, some for keeping"

"zero ever happennns..."

"let's do covered wagons again"..."maybe we should start over..."

we consider ourselves bicoastal, if you consider the mississippi river one of the coasts..."

"that whole thing, huh?"

"i certainly understand how the kennedys feel..."

"we present you with this fair key to our city..."

"when you're doing shakespeare on ice..."

if i don't stop now, i may never stop, but those are a few of my faves...




"I guess I'll always have a place at The Dairy Queen."

"This is my wife, you know her from a previous bill."

"New York is this little island, there's all different kind of people, I might find me a guy, and watch some tv.

