MovieChat Forums > Space Jam (1996) Discussion > Uuuummm, Why is the rating so LOW???

Uuuummm, Why is the rating so LOW???

Seriously, this is one of my favorite childhood movies, and every single person i know agrees with me. The score is unbelievable to me. Who is voting for the rating on this thing. The lowest possible rating I believe it should have is MAYBE a 7.8? It is on right now and I still am laughing. Bill Murray is hilarious, there are so many funny parts, Jordan is awesome...what is the deal.


It has its flaws, but I really like this movie, and was expecting the rating to be at least a 6.0.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeleine Kahn(CLUE, 1985)


My rating for this movie was, is, and will always be 10/10. What kind of an idiot does one have to be to come to this site and give it a 3 or 4. This site is full of wannabe film critics who have forgotten how to enjoy a silly movie. For God's sake, this is a movie with Michael Jordan, Bill Murray and Bugs Bunny in it. How can you not give it a 10??? :)


Loved the film as a kid and I still really like it now.


Thanks for telling me what to like in a film. I hated Space Jam with a passion when I was a child, but I guess I was just a little retard baby for thinking that way; no joy in my life whatsoever.


dont agree that it only works if your a kid, im 21 and still love the film as much as I did when i was 8....just the fact most ppl that love the drug comedy movies vote on this board


I loved this movie when I was a little kid and I STILL love it just as much :)

Check out my voting history if you want :)



That may say more about you than it does about the film. Perhaps you need to do some growing up?


Wouldn't the people that like drug comedies be the ones who would truly enjoy Space Jam?


I don't know. If anything this film just keeps getting better and better with age. 1996 condensed into 88 minutes. What more could you want? Now, if it was, for example, 1998 or 1999 condensed into 88 minutes, then I could understand a low rating. But it's not '98 or '99, it's 1996. There is a difference.

Two Belding's in one building, one of whom is balding!


You and I had very different 1996es

Death to shakeycam directors!


Fantastic movie for what it's trying to be. And the line

Daffy: How's this for a new team name: The Ducks!
Bugs: Please! What kind of Mickey Mouse orginization would name their team The Ducks?

Is pure gold.


All of the good scenes were in the previews.



That's the point, it's a kid's film. It's really Looney Tunes with Michael Jordan. People shouldn't expect great acting, witty dialogue and a mind-bending plot. That's not the point of the film. It's not for adults. Kids like it and that's the demographic they were aiming for. People need to stop taking everything so seriously about it. They weren't aiming for a Grammy like some animated films obviously do today (cough, wall-e). It's just supposed to be fun.


Except that it's about as fun as a root canal. I hate Space Jam, but that's because I was expecting great acting and deep meanings, right? Not because I legitimately couldn't stand it.


Probably parents like me who's kids (like you were at the time) insisted on watching it almost daily. It got a little old.:o)

Seriously, the rating does seem a bit low, but if I never see Space Jam again I won't be sorry.


To all the people that think this should be 10/10, why?
The biggest reason that people like this movie today is because they loved it as a kid. When I was little, I like it, but now I find it much less entertaining.
1. MJ can't act, and neither can most of the other basketball players.
2. Lola Bunny is a very underdeveloped character that is just introduced to up the female count on the team and play love interest to Bugs. As a girl, I have had no problem getting attached to the male Looney Tunes characters and find it almost insulting that the producers didn't think that girls would watch this movie if there weren't more girls in it. Also, I think that she may also exist because the producers didn't want Bugs to wear drag in the movie.
3. This was just made to earn money. It was based on a commercial, there's advertising everywhere in the movie, and they made a ton of different products based on the movie.
4. It was based on a commercial. Commercial's are meant to sell stuff, not tell a story. If you don't believe me, watch the very short and cancelled TV series about the Gieco cavemen and tell me I'm wrong.
5. This is purely opinion in this point. I didn't find the Looney Tunes, or most of the humor for that matter, funny. The only person that managed to get a laugh out of me was Murray. All the others just seemed obnoxious to me.

For all those out there who think this movie deserves a 10, please explain why. Give a good solid argument and not the nostalgia factor. Was is filmed well? The actors work well together? Great and original plot? Give real reasons so we can have a solid debate please.


It's simple: I'm rating the movie on its own merits, as it is meant for it target audience. In short, this movie was DEFINITELY not meant for the grownup crowd (although they did toss in a few "smarter" jokes to keep adults trapped with their kids happy), and for a kid this is basically a perfect movie: Michael Jordan. Playing basketball. Against aliens. With Bugs Bunny. There, full stop, maximum awesomeness potentialized.
Yes, to an adult eyes it's incredibly inane and stupid, with painful jokes and even more painful performances--but as a kid? Pure bliss.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


This is a great film, one of the best of the 1990s decade I've ever seen.

My only issue with it is that it couldve been a little longer. It's kinda straight to the point. It couldve been at least 100 minutes.

tRuE sTAR LeGEnd


don't generalize your personal experience. i am an adult and i love it.its not boring at is funny and refreshing and the mixture of reality and animation gives an interesting view to the story. and it is more exciting than some of todays animations.


I've watched it as both an adult and a child and I pretty much still feel the same about it. Yes MJ's acting was horrible and yes it took a long time to get to the Tunes. But I generally enjoyed the animated portions and the game itself and some of the real world segments were alright too. The real world parts could be boring but I really never cared for those parts as a human anyway. Thank goodness for DVRs today.

This movie isn't gonna be one of those great fantastical movies where it changes the game entirely. Yes it was shamelessly plugging Nike but I don't really care. I thought it was funny at parts and the drama was actually kind of deep. The idea of Bugs, Daffy and the others as slaves was kind of chilling. I thought the movie was good for what it was supposed to do. It was a cute family flick that was supposed to entertain for a good hour and some change and it did just that. I'm satisfied. Also I have a crush on the Mon-Stars when they get all huge. Lol.

My Art:


one of my favourite kids films, watched it a lot

and a COKE.... I'm sorted


I agree with everything azvee said.
On top of it it's a mediocre kids movie with the same storyline every kids sports movie has: The Underdogs win. There's nothing else there (and certainly no real jokes for adults to enjoy), the story is flat and was made a thousand times before. The Looney Tunes changed into the 90's versions...not likeable to anyone who grew up with the real Looney Tunes.
Also some people may have watched it because they liked Basketball, then thought the Looney Tunes were obnoxious and the music sucked. There are many good reasons to give this move the low rating it deserves.

The question really is: Apart from maybe Nostalgia or a blind love for Michael Jordan, what else is there to like or love about that movie? 5.8 our of 10 is pretty generous, for a movie that was done without any heart, creativity and talent, that was just produced to cash-in on the popularity of Basketball and Jordan.

And Jordan really is a horrible actor, just as with Baseball, he should've sticked to what he can: Throw a ball through a Basket.


The music did not suck at all, especially Quad City DJs and the Hit'em High collab. They don't make rap like that anymore. I know art/entertainment is highly subjective (music, movies), but in this movie's case people look too deep into it.
I really don't care it was a commercial for X and Y products, I don't use them anyway....this was just a mindless fun movie and should be looked at just as such. It's a comedy with cartoons in it, suspend your disbelief and just have fun ffs!

On a side note, when will people learn that <apostrophe S ('s)> is NOT used for plural? It's especially embarrassing for native english speakers. (Same story with <it's>, a lot of people have no clue when to use it).
They get detention! (Kyle Gass - Lower Learning)


I'm in my mid 20's and I still like this film. There are still several films from my childhood that I still like, especially ones from Disney. In fact, I like many of them more now than back then. As a child, I never watched enough of them for 2 reasons. 1, I spent way too much time in school. (Thank god I graduated and never have to go back there) 2, my sisters were watching the TV more than I was able to.

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