This film is so offensive!

I'm sorry to say I hated this film and since it was the first Eddie Murphy I ever saw (or was aware of) I don't like him much, either. He just isn't funny, just embarassing, and, in this particular movie, supporting ALL the stereotypes and harassment fat people have to live with. It's just not something to make fun of. This film is stupid, pointless and not funny at all.




The nutty professer is a very very funny movie. Eddie murphy is one of the funniest comedians ever. I really don't find this movie offensive i find it hillarious. and i'm overweight.








I'll just reply to the main poster, though i'm gonna take some of the other posts when I speak.

Kirsty doesn't find this film funny because she feels this is is offensive and in bad taste... fine, That's her view, and I don't see how anyone else should need to have a problem with that (most don't... some seem to almost take it vigorously personal)
I agree with her, I don't find this film funny... not particularily offensive, maybe... at least not after todays standard, but it's just... the humour is completely unfunny... I laughed at this when I was 10, but looking back, I don't really see the great fun in a bunch of fat people sitting around a table farting, and by the way, if THAT isn't making stereotypes out of fat people, nothing is.

However, Kirsty... even if you're not supposed to make fun of situations one usually wouldn't make fun of, it's still done all the time in several movies... it just goes down to what you feel crosses your own borders when it comes to humour. I don't fight this movies right to be made, I just find it to be a really poor movie:P

So... friends and filmlovers! Taste is everything!

(And the Nutty Professor sucks)


If you are so PC that you find a lighthearted popcorn comedy "offensive" then you have


at life.


it's more like he just makes up some because those aren't even the funny stereotypes that i know and love. it's just the really boring fat black stereotypes.

this movie is offensive for it's suck-ass quality and no story.

it's sort of like eddy murphy put the title on the movie and just some improv in different, boring situations yet didn't really tell any jokes, he just talked for a movie.

to top it off the things that were saposed to be jokes were so over the top they were just fake and were obviously fake.

i have been around fat people farting at a table and it's freakin disgusting, the smell kills the dinner.

in this movie, fat people don't lay stinky farts i guess.

to eddy murphy a fart is just a noise.

once i got sent home from work for laying out this nasty ass fart, and i had drank alot the night before, had mexican food, ate a giant breakfast burito with jalapeno's and had about 2 1 liters of pepsi [just so you know how bad that sht stank] and the fat people farts i am talking about are worse then that.

like imagine what viniger, mixed with poo all swished around in a little bleach and amonia smells like, after sitting for a month.

then you will have a slight idea of what those fat farts smelled like.

but in this movie, something that smells like death is ok to eat over.

how is that even funny, i mean if that chick would have started puking i would have laughed because then it would have made more sense.



Op: wow would you stop pissing and moaning for jus afew mins there are more offen. films in the world then the nutty prof. and idk wat to say to this

''I Am McLovin'' SuperBad
