MovieChat Forums > Mars Attacks! (1996) Discussion > Best line from this movie

Best line from this movie

HEY! You're Tom Jones Right? "It ain't unusual", Hey Tom, Tom! Can I have an autograph? Anyone Got A Pen?

Quo Non Ascendam (STS '98)


My personal fav is Grandma Norris' first line

"Did any one of you traitors... see my Muffy!?"


"You're my goddamn hero..."
John Travolta


Basically anything said by Grandma is great.

I'm going to open a cross dressing store and name it "Susan B. Anthony"


all i know is that i enjoyed the way Barbara Land gave her speech during the AA Meeting...she was so adorable!

"I am an alcoholic, but I haven't had a drink in three months!" (and the audience applauded, and she laughed and went on with her speech)...
I just love the scene... :)

"I guess I'm happy when I don't want to be anywhere else but where I am"


Basically any line said by the General, The President, the Grandma & Natalie Portman was pure gold. I think the "They blew up Congress!" line is probably the funniest line in the movie besides "Guess it wasn't the dove" & "You're Tom Jones, right?" those had me in hysterics. Also, when The President says "Awww." when the General gets stepped on. The Grandma telling Taffy: "You're a nice girl but don't ever let this happen again."

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


"You give up pork?", 2ND "Maybe dey don liken da human being" -one of the funniest movies of our times.



We've still got 2 out of 3 branches of the government, and that aint bad!


Jesus Christ!!


We come in peace. ZAP! We come in peace. ZAP! We come in peace. ZAP! We come in peace. ZAP!


Recuperating alcoholic Annete Benning to Jack Nicholson:

"It doesn't help me at all that all we do is sit around in bars"


I'm paraphrasing to the best of my memory but I've always loved these lines:

"Should I get grandma?"
"Forget grandma! She's half-way to space already!"

*gasps* "...The Nancy Regan chandelier"

And this isn't a quote but I love at the end when Tom Jones is standing on that mountain and an eagle just lands on his arm randomly.

Badger my ass its probably Milhouse


General Decker: We should nuke these *beep* with everything we got, sir.


Grandma's "They blew up Congress".

General Decker's "What the hell does that mean"?

Donald Kessler's "I know this is terrible,but let's not be too rash".


Grandma: "Has any of you traitors seen my Muffy?"


First Lady about aliens in the White House: "Well they're not eating off of the Van Buren china!"


natalie (giggling and flirting): so professor, what can the martians teach us?
donald (like a boss): i imagine, they can teach us a lot about mars.



Art Land: "You gave up pork?"

Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.


The line Where the kid says "What about Grandma?" and then the father's response of "She's halfway to outer space already!" absolutely killed me lol


You give up pork? One of the best lines in the film.

"For dark is the suede that mows like a harvest"


We have to nuke them now, sir! Annihilate! KILL! KILL! KILL!


"for dark is the suede that mows like a harvest".
"What the HELL does that mean???"

It's plain what it means. They intent to KILL everyone on the planet!



Any of the lines about the Martians breathing nitrogen or needing special chewing gum to supplement it. Nitrogen is by far the most prevalent element (80%) in our own atmosphere!

Take care to whom you REPLY--IMDb notification system does not tolerate errors


LOL, didn't even know that which is sad but I bet most that seen this movie didn't know ether. And they are suppose to be top scientist.

Your nobody until somebody kills you.
