Sucks Nuts

My wife and I walked out of this movie before it was half over. IT
SUCKED! Woody's character was totally unsympathetic...Angel was hot,
but so what...she was boringly used. God, what a crappy movie.


I don't know what's worse being born without a sense of humor, or being married to someone without one. Sucks to be you dude.


I hate to agree with a kopite, but "what a crappy post"!!!!

This movie is hilarious! Bill Murray is outstanding, as always, Comedy genius!


Are you kidding me? This is one of the best comedies of the 90s!



That's a terribly generalistic assumption to make,I love this movie and have a wide range in taste when it comes to comedy,as I'm sure many others who enjoy Kingpin do.It's a bitter-sweet redemption movie,lightly disguised as a sports movie featuring one of Bill Murrays best comedic roles.If you don't like it,fair enough,but there's no need to insult everyone who does and insinuate they have less than a decent standard of humour.



You forgot his work with Wes Anderson,understated,and funny.Nope,I didn't laugh at the milking scene,it's not very funny.I didn't laugh at the scene where they cut the horses hooves off either.I laughed at lots of other parts though.Especially those with Bill Murray in them.I enjoyed myself,every time I watched this movie.Did laugh at your reply though.You're a funny person.You name yourself after mythical Irish people/Gods,yet express yourself like an impotent,joyless child who talks about their ass a lot.You need to learn how to communicate better.Until you do,slan laith.


it is one of his best comedic roles. if you're saying that it isn't because of the physical obscene humor then someone can easily say he wasn't that funny in ghost busters if you took out the special effects. actually, as cool and fantastic ghost busters is, big ern is hands down waay funnier than can remove, the bull semen scene, the flossing scene, etc, and big ern is still hilarious. and if you were to put the comb-over on anybody else, it wouldn't be as funny as big ern carried it.


If it is a jackass comedy, enjoyed by jackasses, then you probably found it to be one of the funniest movies ever.

See, other people can insult, too!



Tuatha is a douche bag......rofl


I loved this movie, but I admit I wasn't expecting much. Sometimes that makes all the difference.


Why don't you go watch The Kings Speech for the 9th time and quit complaining about a movie that you obviously didn't get.

"Is it dead?"-David Della Rocco


Kiddo, Looks like you are deep into Apatow type crap, go watch those BS!!!


Dude your a Douche if you dont like this movie just admit it you liked it your wife didnt so you left to make her happy and if that isnt the case then get a sense of humor seriously this movie is hilarious Ive seen it at least 100 times and it just keeps getting better every time.


If there was anything wrong with my post, it was that I didn't elaborate enough. (And if you don't know what that word means it wouldn't surprise me.)

You want to see a movie that is truly funny? Try watching The Fifth Element. There's much more humor in that and it's not even a comedy!

Another consideration: Kingpin = lowbrow, Fifth Element = highbrow. (Try googling it sometime.)

Don't get me wrong, I love lowbrow comedy too, but Kingpin didn't have QUALITY lowbrow, at least, not in the first 10-15 minutes. I left shortly after Woody was maimed, so obviously I didn't stick around to see if it would get better. I'm sure Bill kicked ass, but as I said, I didn't see those parts.

A much better Harrelson/Murry movie is Zombieland, which kicked Kingpin's ass all the way to the bank. For that matter Kingpin didn't even make a profit, at least not according to IMBD's Kingpin page.



Doug how do you know that Zombieland is a much better movie since you admit to just seeing the first 15 minutes of Kingpin? Three years after your first post and you still haven't bothered to watch KingPin? What a Munson you are.


Good thing you posted this in such a timely fashion!

We belong to each other now. For better, for worse, like love - only real.


I was thinking the same thing. It either took them ages to walk out... or maybe I've just forgotten how long this movie was? I mean, it came out in 1996 and the couple walked out in 2007... they made it halfway through... (*does maths on napkin) so wait - the movie will actually end in 2018?

OK, I'm just being stupid. Really though, this is the kind of movie you CANNOT expect everyone to love (or even like) - so posting that you didn't like it is redundant.


It's lowbrow entertainment at it's finest. Average at best and works well if you don't put too much thought into it.


There are a lot of lowbrow jokes in it, and in those terms I think it just does an average job. However, nearly every single scene that Bill Murray is in is simply perfect. The middle part of the movie is weaker simply because it is lacking Murray. The 20 or so minutes he's in are the best 20 minutes of the film.

In other words, the parts without Murray are just okay. The parts with him? Incredible.


There is nothing wrong with sucking nuts either - some nuts (I'm looking at YOU macadamias!) are NOT cheap - so you want them to last as long as possible.



You happen to be talking about THE finest bowling movie of all time. Shame on you!


The Big Lebowski is the greatest bowling movie of all time. Kingpin takes solid silver.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
