MovieChat Forums > Kingpin (1996) Discussion > You know you're obsessed with Kingpin wh...

You know you're obsessed with Kingpin when.......

........When you randomly slip the word "Puntilious" into any conversation you can.


you're looking for roy munson's condom commercial.

fried ice cream is a reality


When you are corrected by someone and with a completely straight face say

"who the *beep* are you Alfred Einstein?"


when u join a Big Brother program just to get laid by hot MILF's.

"Last Name, Steel. First name, Man of."


When you bury your face in some girl's chest everytime someone gets a 7-10 split.

When you carry a phillip's head screw driver every time you go to the bowling alley because you just never know who will need it.

When you notice there's no condom machine in the bathroom, you run up to the guy at the front desk and yell out "You call this a bowling alley??!??!??!"



You would have to buy milk for your coffee or mustard for your hot dog if the freebies are gone.



-When you randomly grab pizza from total strangers.

-When you go to the optometrist & he puts that pupil dilating solution in your eyes, and you say "If I could see you I'd kiss you!"

-When you call your girlfriend and say "What are you doing?" and she says "Studying" and you say, "Studying? Where did I get 'Munson'?" And she hangs up on you for the 39th time.


...When you punch out your friend then rub Tabasco sauce in his eyes

--A trusted name since 2009
--People who live in glass houses should change in the basement



When the biggest influence in life is Ernie "Big Ern" McCracken.


When you mow another guy's lawn

When you name your bowling ball Rebecca

When you call someone else's car a sh!tbox

When you carry a bag of sugar on the off chance that you'll have coffee

When you receive your mail in the bowling alley

You CAN get sick drinking piss, even if it's your own

Life takes forever


When you only drink white russians!

What do you think we should do, bonehead?


..when you're at churh and the priest says anything about Jesus, and you stand up and yell "Joo said it mang! Nobody f_ucks with the Jesus"

I'm gonna learn ya my philosophy


When you refuse to roll on Saturday.


When you refer to yourself as The Dude. By the way, when did this become about The Big Lebowski?


You try to milk a bull

You mistake the Kingpin board for the Big Lebowski

You sit on the ball return and your private area turns into peanut butter

You slam your alarm clock and it sticks to you

You're happy to see a marquee for: Jeffersons on Ice (I love Sherman Hemsley!) lol

You think a Foghat concert is original

You must see someone to kiss them

You're worried about a sh!t cloud coming.

You announce you just tore your sack! lol

When lost, you refer to yourself as Munsoned


When you keep sticking your dick in pies.

Life's a bitch and she's back in heat.


When you bowl 15 frames. "10 frames? That's for Quakers"



When you burn your little fing-ers!

When you've really jarred something loose their tiger.

When really good sex makes you want to crap.

When you've pulled out reeeeeeeal early on that one!

When the woman is a stone faced liar.

When finally,Big Ern is above the law.

Damn I got left with the dodgy,dodgy qoutes!

And you really are obsessed when you read Sam Rockwell partially based his Iron Man 2 character on Big Ern McCracken and it's the best movie news you've heard in ages.

Pity IM2 was a steaming pile of crap though..........


When you think it's a paying job to sit at a nudie bar and get lap dances all day

What happens when you ignore your own posts?


When you give up over not paying your dues of $30


When you put in your last will and testament that you want on your headstone:
"I lived here. I died here. I got my mail here."


"When you put in your last will and testament that you want on your headstone:
"I lived here. I died here. I got my mail here.""

f-cking awesome, that was funny, now I want that on my tombstone


... a female friend is leaving,and you say "Goodbye, Whore!"


When you can call Roger Clemens "Skidmark" and get away with it.

Hi Mr. Skidmark! I know you're reading this!

Peace, Love, and


... When you really wish there actually was such a thing as "The Jeffersons On Ice". At least before Sherman Hemsley kicked-the-bucket (and Weezy too). Ironically enough, Hemsley's body was "on ice" for quite a few months before finally being laid to rest just less than a month ago (from this posting).

Peace, Love, and


when you drive by a bicyclist and yell out the window, "You suck, you loser!you don't deserve a car!"
