MovieChat Forums > Jerry Maguire (1996) Discussion > Most of the most OVERRATED films ever.

Most of the most OVERRATED films ever.

I remember not seeing this film for a long time. It always seemed to be on when I needed to go out, but I intended to see it.

People recommended it to me, and all I heard was how great it was. I have also heard the lines quoted numerous times.

So, one night I finally watched it, and was massively disappointed. Tom Cruise acts like a jerk, and I found him a very unsympathetic character. He seemed so dismissive of Renee Zelwegger's character.

Rene Zellwegger came across as a naive woman who loves a guy who treats her horribly. She seemed weak and pathetic, and I wanted her to lay down the law and tell him to shape up or ship out.

The bit at the end with Ciba Gooding jr was a joke. He gets knocked out, looks like his career is over, and then he jumps up and dances around on the football field. Come on. How stupid.

Also, I am sick of those quotes too, and it has lead to a plethora of people quoting the line, and most do a terrible job of it.

Don't know why this movie is so loved. I don't see the appeal.


Probably because it is an extremely well written script with no explosions, no hero who has 500,000 bullets fired at him and never gets hit, or Martians attacking the earth. This is a human interest story for anyone who has ever hung themselves out there for their beliefs, got hung out to dry, but wins in the end. Someone who hangs sheetrock will not appreciate this movie like people who work in a corporate office. I would say that a movie with 9 now famous catch phrases is overrated. (No other movie in history has done this.) A movie with a 50 million dollar budget that made $270 million. This is only 1 or 3 films in history that the NFL has allowed use of their logos and real teams. (Brian's Song and Invincible are the only other two). The Blind Side was footage from the actual draft, so it does not count. This is saying something.

But comments like this do not surprise me in this impatient, ADHD society that needs to be visually stimulated every 4.2 seconds to even focus. Real dialog and clever writing has gone to the wayside for crappy Michael Bay movies.


Did I complain about lack of action, or lack of explosions? You obviously did not even read my post.

Who cares if the NFL allowed them to use their logos. That doesn't make the movie good.

You say about how much a movie makes. Well, any movie with explosions, or Michael Bay films, could proportionately make the same, yet you dismiss them. You can't use the argument about how much money it made, if you then dismiss other films which did well at the box office. Either gross earnings mean a film is good or it isn't. You can't use it for one, and not another.

Also, why is it that if someone doesn't like this film, then they have ADHD?

Look, be an apologist for your film. But your name-calling and putdowns don't help you convince me that this film is worthwhile. Maybe come back with an actual case of why this film is as good as everyone says, and I may consider it. But your dross post and putdowns won't cut it when it comes to changing my mind.


"This is a human interest story...".

Gosh, thanks for the laugh! This is a Hollywood crapfest. You sound like it's a story about Mother Teresa.


Opinion is opinion - one person can hate something while someone else loves it. This is one of my all-time favorite films, but I can't break it down into some mathematical equation why I love it, or why you should.


I never liked it.


As a sports movie it was fairly decent. But i didn't believe in the romance one bit. Felt like they had to squeze that part in due to a otherwise thin story.

Yea, i'm not a fan of this one.

"Hail to the king, baby" :OD


One of my all-time favorite films:

1. I think that movies, like songs, mark a special time period for some people. This one does for me, I saw this in 1996 during the opening weekend. For this personal, sentimental reason, I have fond memories of that time and always enjoy a re-watch of it. It's a feel-good film, like "Star Wars IV A New Hope".

2. Even though it's not like a true rags to riches story (at the time it was panned by some as "from riches to riches"), it is inspiring to consider that JM is forced to actually live out his Mission Statement the hard way, by getting fired rather than having it implemented by his company. Seeing him fight through the process is inspiring as well as entertaining.

3. Rod Tidwell (played by Cuba Gooding, Jr.) is a protagonist too, he arcs as well, and one roots for him as much or more than for JM. It is fun to see how their friendship makes each other change for the better.

4. The central love story is cute, and the characters have to grow to understand how to love each other, learned in part from Tidwell's marriage.

5. It is funny on a lot of levels.


Cruise acts like a jerk, and I found him a very unsympathetic character. He seemed so dismissive of Renee Zelwegger's character.

- But he arcs, realizes the greater value of his relationship with her i.e. "You complete me." Also, he had a strong connection with her son the entire time, a redeeming quality he had that the story built on.

Rene Zellwegger came across as a naive woman who loves a guy who treats her horribly. She seemed weak and pathetic, and I wanted her to lay down the law and tell him to shape up or ship out.

- She did tell him to "...ship out." He left expecting the marriage to end. He came back saying, "I'm not going to let you get rid of me... I love you. You complete me." She said, "You had me at hello."

The bit at the end with Ciba Gooding jr was a joke. He gets knocked out, looks like his career is over, and then he jumps up and dances around on the football field. Come on. How stupid.

- I liked it, couldn't have happened any other way to justify him getting the $11 million contract and the "kwan". Just a great play wouldn't have sold that moment better than it looking like all was lost first. How could they have improved on it? All had to be lost for the win at the end to pay off effectively.

9. The quotes are popular because the film did so well and was a cultural phenomenon at the time. That's not the film's fault...


"The bit at the end with Ciba Gooding jr was a joke. He gets knocked out, looks like his career is over, and then he jumps up and dances around on the football field. Come on. How stupid."

- I liked it, couldn't have happened any other way to justify him getting the $11 million contract and the "kwan". Just a great play wouldn't have sold that moment better than it looking like all was lost first. How could they have improved on it?

I liked it too, but I see what the person you are replying to is saying. Tidwell has been knocked out and it's not clear whether he has a terrible injury or will even live, and then to come out of it and after just laying there for a few seconds, is able to get right up and prance around the field. As if he were waking up from a good night's sleep, not having taken a terrible hit. Realistically, after a hit like that, he should have needed to be helped to his feet, and walked unsteadily to the sidelines.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


it's sentimental kitschy PC pap for the masses, thats why people like it. same people who listen to Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, and Justin Bieber.


You might be onto something. I liked the movie and Selena is my fave



Totally agree with you. Im a fan of Tom Cruise. But this movie is just him and a bunch of characters shouting dialogue with no subtlety. No one just shuts the *beep* up for one minute. There was honestly not one point in the story i cared about what was happening. And thats a serious problem for a film that has no visual style, dialogue which just doesnt have anything compelling and almost a two and a half hour running time. Oh yeh, and it was nominated for best picture.


dude, what are y ou talking about? this film is rife with subtle moments and innuendo and subtext. i don't know but maybe you were sleepwalking when you saw it or something. double shift at the mill that night? lol
