MovieChat Forums > Jerry Maguire (1996) Discussion > Most of the most OVERRATED films ever.

Most of the most OVERRATED films ever.

I remember not seeing this film for a long time. It always seemed to be on when I needed to go out, but I intended to see it.

People recommended it to me, and all I heard was how great it was. I have also heard the lines quoted numerous times.

So, one night I finally watched it, and was massively disappointed. Tom Cruise acts like a jerk, and I found him a very unsympathetic character. He seemed so dismissive of Renee Zelwegger's character.

Rene Zellwegger came across as a naive woman who loves a guy who treats her horribly. She seemed weak and pathetic, and I wanted her to lay down the law and tell him to shape up or ship out.

The bit at the end with Ciba Gooding jr was a joke. He gets knocked out, looks like his career is over, and then he jumps up and dances around on the football field. Come on. How stupid.

Also, I am sick of those quotes too, and it has lead to a plethora of people quoting the line, and most do a terrible job of it.

Don't know why this movie is so loved. I don't see the appeal.


it's not overrated at all...

it's my #1 Tom Cruise movie and is my #1 movie of 1996 and is within my Top 42 movies of all-time.

Tom Cruise has been in plenty of quality movies to. in fact, i have seen nearly his entire filmography and i feel no one has a better overall filmography then he does especially given the volume of movies i scored a 7/10 or higher to which is currently @ 15 movies as no one else i am aware of has that many movies i scored a 7 or higher.

for measure... there is only 231 movies i gave a 7 or higher to out of the 1,950+ total movies i have seen so as you can see scoring a 7 or higher from me is not easy (i still like movies i score a 6/10 but 7's and higher stand out for me).

so if anything... i would say it's a bit underrated at it's 7.3/10 average rating as it should be at least high 7's for the average (especially given the crap that scores higher that's nothing special). i gave it a 9/10 (there is only 42 movies that scored a 9/10(25 movies) or 10/10(17 movies) from me).

i actually just finished re-watching it just a moment ago on April 19th 2016 (my previous re-watch of it was Mar 4th 2013) and it held steady even though it does take a little while to hit it's stride and then finishes well.

there is not really many movies like this out there, especially ones that stand out like this one does. it's definitely the movie ill remember Cuba Gooding Jr and Renee Zellweger for.

p.s. want to talk overrated, go see... Fight Club (1999). that's pretty much the gold standard of overrated if you ask me. the young crowds seem to act like that's amazing when it's a pretty dull movie overall as while i used to like it when i was much younger (say my early-to-mid 20's or so(ill be 37 years old later this year)), it does not hold up (i re-watched it on Apr 10th 2013 (prior to this i don't think i seen it since roughly the mid-2000's)) and i find it to be below average/borderline failure nowadays.

My Top 100-ish Movies of All-Time! =


While this is not one of my favorite movies or anything, I have grown to appreciate it more over the last 20 years, perhaps due to my age/life experience/perspective change between the time I saw it as a teenager in the theater and today. That being said, it really sounds like you simply didn't get it or didn't pay attention...perhaps you didn't even actually watch the entire movie.

Some of the elements you take issue with (Jerry is an unsympathetic jerk, Dorothy is a pathetic doormat) are accurate for a portion of the film but not all of it. The points and character arcs you seem to have obviously missed are not even overly complex, deep, cryptic or hidden, so it's very weird that you would have such a hard time grasping and acknowledging what happened unless you did not actually watch all of it or unless you watched it while cleaning the house or dicking around on the Internet. Or unless you simply hated the film so much that you are deliberately pretending that these arcs never occurred. =/

No one will convince you to like or appreciate the film. If you didn't like it, you didn't like it, which is fine. Sometimes over-hype can kill the entire experience of a film for someone and maybe that is what happened here.

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"


I hated this movie so much. I wasn't looking for action as other people have indicated. I don't really like action movies much at all. I wanted exactly what this movie was attempting to deliver. A human interest story about real characters in realistic situations and real conflicts and dilemmas to overcome. I just felt that this movie fell short of its goals. I found all of the characters unappealing and the acting was terrible. It took Cameron Crowe three and a half years to write this! I thought it was one of his weaker scripts. My lack of interest in sport didn't help but Raging Bull is amazing and I hate boxing. I just don't see the appeal of this movie at all.


Ahhh yes, the prerequisite ‘overrated’ thread now required on the discussion board of every decent movie on IMDB.


<< all I heard was how great it was. I have also heard the lines quoted numerous times. >>

This movie completes me.


I can't really remember this film at all, but I know that when I was in high school this was a movie that the 'cool' kids on some particular sports teams who were actually losers were obsessed with. If you didn't like Jerry Maguire, you weren't cool. It was as simple as that.

And certain teachers who were there to just collect an exorbitant paycheque and pension were also obsessed with this film for some bizarre reason.


I liked it.
When I saw it the first time I thought it was ok but I've seen it a couple of more times over the years and it has grown on me.
