Most of the most OVERRATED films ever.
I remember not seeing this film for a long time. It always seemed to be on when I needed to go out, but I intended to see it.
People recommended it to me, and all I heard was how great it was. I have also heard the lines quoted numerous times.
So, one night I finally watched it, and was massively disappointed. Tom Cruise acts like a jerk, and I found him a very unsympathetic character. He seemed so dismissive of Renee Zelwegger's character.
Rene Zellwegger came across as a naive woman who loves a guy who treats her horribly. She seemed weak and pathetic, and I wanted her to lay down the law and tell him to shape up or ship out.
The bit at the end with Ciba Gooding jr was a joke. He gets knocked out, looks like his career is over, and then he jumps up and dances around on the football field. Come on. How stupid.
Also, I am sick of those quotes too, and it has lead to a plethora of people quoting the line, and most do a terrible job of it.
Don't know why this movie is so loved. I don't see the appeal.