best line of the movie....

first of all before i state my favorite line i would like to say how damn fine salma hayek looks in this movie. the curves are to die for!

one of my favorite lines has to be when clooney is outside after the whole disaster talking to cheech and he says "My brother's gone. you understand that? he's gone and he's not coming back and that is your fault......... 20!"

so good.

'You know what im talking about, you farking cockroach!'


Reading all the responses I've realized that this movie really does have a lot of great lines. But my vote goes for the psychos don't explode line. It's a funny line and Clooney's delivery of it really makes it funny.


haha I agree that one is a classic.

"Alright vampire killers, lets kill some freaking vampires!"

I find myself saying that one way too much in real life haha


"OOOoooh, well...excuse me all to hell."


the psycho sunlight comment did it for me.

"Everyone has an opinion....and then you die."


"Okay hard drinkers, let's drink hard. I'm buying."

You have to respect a guy who buys his hostages drinks.


- And what's your name?

- Kate. And yours?

- Sex Machine




"anything you got to say to them....say to me first!"

I forget if he flicks his cigar in mid-delivery or not but it was a great line. This really was one of the most quotable films ever.


Don't try to run, because I have six little friends, and they can all run a hell of a lot faster than you.

She wouldn't have said *beep* even if she had a mouth full of it!



I agree with jefgg!!

Kate: "Richie...will you do me a favor and eat my pussy?...Please"

Richie (stammering)s-s-sure!
