MovieChat Forums > From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) Discussion > It's better if you don't know it's a vam...

It's better if you don't know it's a vampire movie

When I watched I thought it was a pulp fiction type movie. I didn't know it had anything to do with vampires so when that happened it blew my mind. If I had known it would have taken away so much. Is there anybody else like me who didn't know it was a vampire movie when you watched it?

So hard to watch it now without knowing. Even the IMDB description tells you right away that it is a vampire movie. My title is a spoiler in itself but I don't feel guilty about it because it is already given away everywhere else.


I had no idea.. my friends showed it to me when i was 14-15.. and then suddenly a vampire appears and kills Richie.. and im like what the hell is this!? he is dead? there are vampires!? blew my mind.. just watched it again after all these years. A fun ride indeed this is.

,,Now this is good...


I just watched the movie and I really wish I didn't know it was a vampire movie.

It takes so long for the vampires to show up, and every thing before that about the movie is good. So I would've been so confused at the point it turns into a vampire flick, because it's a completely different genre before that. I'm going to show my housemate and not tell her it's a vampire movie. She'll be so confused when it happens, and that'll be the funnest part of the vampire bit, the shock. I never got that shock, and didn't really care for it all that much. It was, different.

I don't know if i've ever seen a movie where the genre has such a sudden switch.



I can't recall if I had a similar enthusiasm when I first watched it, but I too was unaware that it was a vampire movie—my cousin wanted to watch it, I had heard of it, and went in completely open-minded without knowing anything about it. Back when I saw it in the late-'90s, I remember admiring the unconventional plot structure; however, I will always wonder how the movie would have turned out had they never went to the Twister—I'm sure it would've been a good movie nonetheless.

Votes: 3,382


Same thing OP. I just happened to be flipping channels on TV. I had no idea what the movie was about. I was watching it and when the vampires showed up it really surprised me. One of the best movie experiences I have ever had. The movie changed half way through into something I did not expect. I told others to watch it the same way. They had the same feelings. One of the most memorable movies I will ever see.

But Buck, "let's be honest"? Come on dude, others liked this movie. I loved everything about it. It was a great movie switch that caught me unexpectedly. I loved both parts. And really, this is very similar to any Zombie movie after that and people are loving those now. Your opinion isn't the only opinion. Believe it or not others can have different opinions that you.



Sorry it took me a year to reply to you. Glad you loved it. For those who didn't like it turning into a Vampire movie I get that, but then it would have been just another excellent deal gone bad running from the cops movie. With the twist it is unique.


So true!
I was 16 when I watched it for the first time and I was mindblown when they all turned into vampires.


I, myself, had no clue what this film was about before watching it. So as you can imagine, I certainly had one of those "WTF?" moments when the vampires appeared. What could have been a somewhat interesting crime-thriller, turned into a vampire massacre; I like it!

No doubt this "twist" will either be a pleasant surprise, or a huge letdown to viewers.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


I saw this in the "dollar" movie theaters back in 1996 a few months after it first came out. The kind of place that played second run films for only $1.50...back when regular movie tickets were about $6 or so.

I knew it was a vamp film going into it...but my buddy visiting me from out of town didn't. He had never seen or heard of Tarantino before....and he was completely mind blown by it all.

The film where I got pleasantly surprised was "Absolute Power". In 1997 I was living in South Korea working as an English teacher. This was at the infancy of the internet...and I didn't have access there. The town I was in had a few movie theaters and me and the other teachers would watch just about any English language film. The only thing we'd know about the films was whatever is on the poster outside the theater. Absolute Power is about a burglar who's robbing a house when the owner's wife comes home. The burglar is able to hide in the "safe" room and watch the house via the monitors there...and the owner's wife came home with another man. Those two engage in some *cough* rough sex and she dies. The surprise factor is it turns out the other man is the President of the US. Because I knew nothing about the film going into it...the reveal that it's the POTUS was a nice surprise for me.


You're better off than a lot of us in the 90's. The movie was heavily marketed as a Vampire the twist wasn't a shock but it was still enjoyable.


Can't speak to that. I remember watching "Sci-Fi Buzz" an old show on The Sci-Fi Channel where they trumpeted the fact that it started as a crime film and than turned into a creature feature in the second half.
