thats not right....!

okay so it was a great film...good ending except for the fact that annie and elise ditched their horrid husbands...but why did brenda want to get back with morty after he ditched her for the horrible shelly?!(SJP looks the worst i've seen her in this film) that was stupid! I know that Morty says to Shelly that she was no brenda..but when did he suddenly change his mind about not being in love with her and wanting to marry her!?


I read a lot more into it. It seemed more like a mid-life crisis thing than an infidelity thing for Morty. (The other husbands seemed more roving. Annie, Elise benefiting from independence.) Brenda never quite was able to get over him, and above all, Shelly was very grating on him. In the end, he couldn't stand Shelly. (Who could?) Brenda forgave him, because she knew him well enough to know he was over the whole midlife crisis thing-- and recognised Brenda for what she really was-- and excellent wife. Elise needed to be independant from a relationship that was as much business as it was a 'marriage.' A good move. Annie was discovering her assertive self, and the craziness of his having an affair with their therapist was just too crazy/weird. Besides, Elise's husband is just really slimy. That whole sex before the breakup was just cruel, and immature. Good riddance .


The whole sex before declaring a desire for divorce thing just pissed me off! I can't believe anyone would expect her forgiveness for that! And couldn't the therapist have legal trouble if it came out that she was having sex with a patient, I thought that wasn't legal?



Oh, it's not legal. Therapists, doctors, counselors, etc, can have their licenses revoked for that. (This was brought up in another thread by a law student.)

House: Climb out of your holes, people!


Although, something that just popped into my head is that it's possible that her husband was never officially going to the therapist, like he was just pretending to be getting marriage therapy when he was really just getting some "bom-chick-a-wa-wa" therapy, if you will. It would certainly add another layer of *beep* to his personality, no?

Then again, the therapist would still be able to get in trouble for a conflict of interest I imagine.

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?


I read a lot more into it. It seemed more like a mid-life crisis thing than an infidelity thing for Morty. (The other husbands seemed more roving. Annie, Elise benefiting from independence.) Brenda never quite was able to get over him, and above all, Shelly was very grating on him. In the end, he couldn't stand Shelly. (Who could?) Brenda forgave him, because she knew him well enough to know he was over the whole midlife crisis thing-- and recognised Brenda for what she really was-- and excellent wife.

It is also interesting to note that Shelly looks like a younger version of Brenda to an extent. That seems to suggest that Morty did not have contempt for Brenda as much for himself. He was trying to recapture his days of youth, and so replaced the older Brenda with a "younger Brenda". He wanted all the characteristics of his ex-wife in a hotter body, but then discovered that he could not handle the immature, whiny personality that came with firmer breasts and a flatter stomach.

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Good point, Belletrist0
! Shelly does look a bit similar to Brenda. But, as she said near the end, "I am NOT Brenda."

And Morty sadly replies, rather quietly, "No, you're not."

House: Climb out of your holes, people!
