Military inaccuracy
In the spirit of pointing out military inaccuracies, I'll go ahead again with this movie:
What the hell was the indoor saluting thing? In the Navy, we ABSOLUTELY NEVER salute indoors unless we're covered and on duty. If you're cover isn't on, you don't salute. Simple as that. That is an ARMY tradition.
Second, what the hell are officers yelling at each other for? The LT yelling at the LCDR? Officers don't yell at each other. They were acting like it was freaking Marine Corps boot camp or something.
Also Sailors boarding a ship in civilians clothes? meanwhile others were in uniform.
I understand it's a comedy and profits on grossly stereotyping the story and characters, but being in the Navy, this kinda stuff was glaring. There are inaccuracies which lend themselves well to this kind of comedy (such as fraternization- hot female lieutenant getting sexually harassed by enlisted sailors etc) but the inaccuracies I'm talking about have no comedic effect and are just annoying.
Maybe I'm just being a negative nancy, but does anyone else notice this stuff?
Great movie either way though!