To quote my favorite English professor, “An artist must first be a crafts[person].” Only with complete mastery of craft, in ANY discipline, can the student then begin to create art. After having slogged my way through a maze of some of the most ill-informed, arrogant and bullshit-riddled Internet posts that I’ve ever seen in over 20 years of being online, I arrive to see you, my friend. There is no doubt the OP was not a scholar of any stripe, but someone looking to stir things up. You, Wint3rFir3, hit it on the head regarding the pop culture importance of The Craft. By whatever name you call it, the craft is NOT a quick and easy road to the results that one craves, and a road best avoided by 99 percent of people; hence, “occult,” meaning obscured, and, by extension, hidden or secret. You might even call it arcane😁 It requires the firmest grounding conceivable in the material world to begin study in the immaterial world. Remember the legend of Faust: He mastered ALL material disciplines before turning to The Path.
One thing I have to get off my chest, after having waded through so much ignorance about which practice is the best practice. I study martial art, and I study the arcane. A similar debate rages in both disciplines. Is Tai Kwan Do better than Kung Fu? Is Santaria more powerful than Wicca? You know what’s better? The better PRACTIONER, and it doesn’t matter what discipline(s) s/he uses. All that matters is the results that s/he gets. Blessed be.
PS From what I can tell, though the soundtrack seems to be saying Manol, the script has Mamon, which means profane, mundane, even greedy. This has nothing to do with the arcane. And I completely agree about the wardrobe (except for Fredrick’s Of Hollywood, not that I disapprove of that😈) and the music. Not just evocative of an era. They were a platform from
that era into the future. I’ve always liked Fairuza Balk. I’d no idea that she was a practitioner. Thank you for that.
PPS Angelina Jolie as Nancy?! Dear Lord!, did we ever dodge a bullet on THAT choice!