I haven't listened to the commentary track on this movie yet, but I know that In the Mike Judge collection, and in a few of his commentaries as well as the "Taint of Greatness" documentary Mike made several comments like "I thought it was getting stale, y'know, around the first and second season" and showed his disdain towards doing music videos, and said that he did the movie as sort of a compromise for not having to do 8 seasons. He also wrote a letter saying that when he was picking episodes for the MJC DVD's, he found that some episodes were 'very good,' a majority of 'mediocre' and then the rest 'truly awful,' and that he was only adding in the episodes he considered 'very good' and 'mediocre.'
In a way, I don't think he's a complete ass, its fairly common for creators to have some dislike of their very early work. Jhonen Vasquez has stated his dislike of the very early JTHM comics. I heard in an interview with Matt Groening that looking back he didn't think the Tracey Ullman shorts or the first few seasons of The Simpsons weren't all that great. Hell, even I look back on the early "Beelzeboss" comics and "Space Nazi" movies I used to do and while I have some nostalgic respect I kind of look at them and wonder, "What the hell was I thinking?" I agree that Beavis & Butt-head are still pretty funny, and even those who don't like them can't deny the impact they had on our culture.
His comments on the show being "stale around the first and second season" were not agreed upon by the others involved with the show who felt it was timeless. Despite showing some of his dislike of the show, he did seem a bit enthusiastic and nostalgic for certain episodes on the MJC commentary/documentary features and he did make a comment that although he would never do it full time again, he said that as the years have progressed he's sort of rekindled his love of B&B-H and said he wouldn't mind doing a couple new episodes on occasion. I also think after the release of the MJC, he said that he might do special webisodes of B&BH. If that ever comes true, that'd be cool. :D He's also expressed that one shouldn't completely rule out a sequel to the movie, although recent developments have suggested that instead of a sequel there will be a live action movie version. I don't think Judge is a complete ass, he's not saying "Don't enjoy these 'toons anymore" I just feel that maybe he's still just a little tired of B&BH.