In this episode, Ray finds out that Marie wants a family portrait photo for Christmas. Debra doesn't like the idea because it would mean spending the whole day with Frank and Marie, and they're already spending their whole holiday with them, anyway. Ray ends up talking her into it. Debra misses her parents, so comes up with the idea that she, Ray, and the kids spend Christmas Eve in Connecticut with her parents, and then Christmas Day with Frank and Marie. At first, Marie is okay with it, but then gets upset when she finds out that she won't be able to see the kids on Christmas morning come downstairs to open their presents.
Ray, in a tight spot, says it would be an awful lot of driving. On picture day, Robert shows up in his uniform because he just got off work but he brought a change of clothes. He's also upset that Amy can't be in the picture. Marie says that when Amy's a Barone she can be in the picture. Debra's parents, Warren and Lois show up for the picture. Ray knew nothing about this.
Debra invited them since she won't be seeing them at Christmas. This is Debra's revenge against Marie. Ray tries to talk to both Marie and Debra, but they're both too stubborn. Eventually, he snaps at everyone saying he's done trying to make them all happy, with huge applause from the audience. The photographer takes quit a few pictures, so they could easily have taken separate ones. Debra also, like I said, could have invited her parents to stay with them over Christmas.