MovieChat Forums > 7th Heaven (1996) Discussion > These are the most annoying things about...

These are the most annoying things about this show

1. It thinks the world is black and white. It's wrong (and immoral) to lie, smoke, drink, have sex, date outside your religion, not go to church, not go to college, or even have fun.

2. The females in this series are so obsessed with dating and making out with guys all the time. Their self-esteem goes down the toilet if they haven't had a date in 2 whole days! I guess being abstinent makes you all horned up.

3. The little girl - Ruthie- is far too wise to be realistic. How does someone who's barely learning her ABCs understand the complex issues (and has a solution for) that have troubled humankind for ages? The little twins are annoying. Trying way too hard to be cute.

4. We get it, you're super hot, super smart, and super romantic. You're prince charming. They seriously hire the most attractive men they can find, have them smile for the camera, and say the cheesiest things. Give me a fing break.

5. They teach you that if you drink one beer, regardless of the circumstances, you're very evil. You're evil if you smoke, if you stay out late, have premarital sex, or even *gasp* don't go to church.

This show is over-the-top on a high horse, and think that Christian values are the only values you can have to be a good person. They teach you that you need a man everyday in your life to be worthy of something, and that having fun without it involving God is downright immoral.

reply 324 3 hours ago

The Camden parents are constantly stalking their kids and pushing them away because they have the nerve to live life without telling them everything. The kids constantly lie about little things and overall this seems realistic of religious families to me- having known children whose parents are nosy self-righteous ministers and gossipy self-righteous wives.

Every situation is blown out of proportion and the whole show does not make Christianity appear to be an appealing option for young people who are experimenting in their "finding a purpose" stage of life.
As the siblings grow older they also join in on the stalking and nosing into the business of their younger siblings- like they are the moral compasses in the world. Also, the fact that the father feels bad as subsequent kids don't blindly choose to follow in his footsteps and be ministers shows the truth behind the indoctrination into religions (i.e. kids do everything their parents want without thinking about it).

If you are a family member who "rebels" by smoking a cigarette, having sex or even kissing a boy who your parents don't know (because they're overbearing and you have hidden him from them and lied) etc- then you are pushed away until you beg forgiveness or get sent to a psychiatrist (where you also lie and or just turn up and then leave). Even if the actors did "something wrong" (being paid to model- Jessical Biel) in their private lives outside of acting they were punished and ousted like the "devils" they are.

These nosy parents don't ever learn and they keep being overbearing throughout the whole series- even after self-righteous "Annie Speeches" that include the words "We need to let them come to us when they're ready" and "maybe they don't feel comfortable telling us" (ya think?). They're slow and I guess the producers are also ministers because they don't ever develop those parents beyond snooping stalkers.


The fact that NOBODY ever stood up to Annie. She was always able to intimidate everyone. Even when Annie was wrong, they apologized to her.


She's a very controlling, narcissistic bitch. Someone should've stood up to her, and defended themselves against her. The show would've been 1000% better for it.


I know I would have. Especially if I wasn't even a member of the family! But everyone acted like it was somehow an "honor" to be around her.


Wow, somebody is really not a fan of this show.

Whoever has written this is wrong about so many details, that I won't even begin to mention all of them.
But it sure wasn't true that the Camdens weren't allowed to date outside their religion.
Matt got married to a Jewish woman, and Mary and Lucy also both got married to Catholic men.
So there...


Late reply, but:

There was also the episode when they made a big deal out of Mary dating an "older" boy. A whole year or two older but still in high school! My friends and I were in high school and dated boys who had already graduated, and no big deal was made of it.
Annie's humiliating speech when Simon who was a year older - telling him he was 'taking Simon under his wing" like a mother bird or something bizarre like that.
What about when Annie and Eric thought Mary working as a flight attendant was somehow an embarrassment to them?
Annie "started a tradition" that everyone had to give their children bible names? How many generations down did she think people were supposed to be obligated to do that?


I think the show had bad writers, the parents were quite horrific towards their kids in many ways.


I know! I can't believe some people think they were "great parents" and slam Ruthie and Simon for having stood up to them at times. They really thought the decision every kid made should be based on what" a preacher family" would do/
