Well-acted, but this Movie's message is all wrong.
This Flick has some funny dialogue and has great natural performances, but the message of this Movie is negative and dangerous. This Film tells viewers that if you're alone then there is something wrong, the fact is in reality that isn't true at all and it shouldn't even be true in the Movies, i'm sick of society brainwashing people including film writers and directors. There's nothing wrong with being alone, look at all the advantages - you won't have people invading your privacy by coming to your house, you don't have to share your food, you can be selfish, you can just do you, you can focus on a career goal, and being alone helps you to know yourself, and if you're a Christian being alone will help you get to know your Creator, even if you're not a Christian all the advantages of being alone that i just mentioned is still relevant.
This Flick is biased and doesn't have an optimistic view on things, i understand that there wouldn't be a movie if they didn't have that storyline, but you know what the writers could have changed it halfway through where the girl doesn't get the guy, she goes it alone and she begins to realise that there's nothing wrong with being a Loner. Sandra Bullock's character "Lucy" had a job, her health and a roof over her head, she was already blessed. It's understandable that Lucy wanted a man and an extended family, there's nothing wrong with that, the problem is that the movie depicts that desire as a must in life, bottom line there's more to life than relationships and family. Lucy wanted to travel, she could have easily done that alone, or she could go on one of those holiday group tours, she may even meet someone there, you never know! Bottom line, Lucy still had everything going for her without a man. A man should not determine your happiness, Lucy had friends - that black female friend and that older black guy and she wasn't depressed, Lucy just had a want and desire that a lot (not all) of women have, if her desire didn't happen for her, it's not the end of her world, where Lucy went wrong was focusing too much on wanting a man and paying too much attention to a little crush she had on a guy, if she thought bigger (maybe a job or career change) i guarantee she would not be focused on getting a bloke.