MovieChat Forums > The Usual Suspects (1995) Discussion > Brilliant twist or just a cheat?

Brilliant twist or just a cheat?

Much as I love the movie AND its twist ending, but what do you think, and is either opinion (not that I want to enforce anyone to have either one) correct either way you look at it, cheers.


It's an effective reveal in that it surprises everybody first viewing. And it's certainly iconic now, I think though that because it's not the kind of twist the audience can work out beforehand like say, The Prestige which has amazing foreshadowing and clues littered throughout, it's not what I'd call a clever twist.


"it's not the kind of twist the audience can work out beforehand" True, but it's obvious one you think about it.

First Retro Clue - Verbal is included in the lineup

Early Retro Clues - Small timer Verbal convinces the Bryne character to participate and concocts the NYPD scenario. He was supposedly a small time con man.


That's not what I'd call obvious though, it's only obvious with hindsight. I honestly don't know a single person who figured out the twist beforehand.


"obvious with hindsight" is what I meant, hence retro clues. Thanks for clarifying my thoughts.

Repeated watching show the twist was setup.


Ah I get you, yes it's an enjoyable second viewing, maybe moreso knowing the twist. Not many movies I can say that about, One Cut of the Dead was a fantastic second viewing I can recommend off-topic!


Great twists add something to the story, this one actually takes a dump on everything you’ve just watched.

For some reason I still like it though, maybe because it does make you rethink Verbal as a character. It’s quite fun watching it again, knowing this crippled weakling is actually a legendary crime-god spinning copious yarn.
