Funniest scene?

Which scene(s) did any of you guys find funny?

My picks:

1) The scene where the Collector throws off his cowboy hat and jacket, and launches into an angry tirade at the residents ("You *beep* ho-dunk, po-dunk, well then there, *beep*!")

2) The scene where the Collector suddenly appears behind Cordelia on the porch, says "Need a hand?", and tries to come in, only to be barred by the blood seal, then he goes "Gimme the key, Brakyer, for cryin' out loud!"--and Brayker simply slams the door on him. Classic!

3) The scene where the Collector is acting like a bartender. The way he talks--gets me every time!

I really enjoyed this movie. Gotta get around to writing a review.


I often replay this video only for the scene where Zane goes into his rant: "Humans! You aren't worth the flesh you're printed on. *beep* this cowboy sh*t! You *beep* ho-dunk, po-dunk well-then-there *beep* All you had to do was give me the damn key! Then we could have all got on with our lives. All right...this property is hereby...condemned." A classic!



The funniest scene for me is Uncle Willy seeing the hot girls
with The Collector as the Bartender.



"Directors; where do they dig them up?"

"You *beep* ho-dunk, po-dunk! Well then there, mother *beep* ! All you had to do with give me the goddamn key!!!"

"Whaddayaknow, I ask for final cut and I got it!"


The funniest part to me was when he was trying to tell Geralyne he loves her! LOL I was weak with laughter at that.


Definitely the Collector's rant:

"F. uck this cowboy SH!T! *throws coat and hat to the ground* "...ya f. uckin ho-dunk po-dunk, well then there motherf^ckrs!" Haha

"D...uhhh ASTROTURF!! You know who's responsible for that, dontcha?! The Jews!"
