Okay, I'm trying to unravel the mystery of what happened to Chun Li's breasts in the shower scene. I'm guessing it was left out for the DVD version, even the unrated one, and only exists on the old VHS tapes that aren't even dubbed. Can anyone tell me this for sure? I would appreciate your help. Thank you!
Well, obviously this scene just had to be there, it's Chun-Li. But am I the only one who thought the whole scene was beautifully done? The slow camera up the stairs, the orange glow of the lamps, the tasteful shower scene, the soft, calming music... it creates a real feeling of serenity and vulnerability in a warm, personal home, which I loved. It's also a strong contrast to the follow-up fight.
I fully agree with you. Chun-Li's home really looks comfortable... no doubt I could relax there - esspecially in her shower... :-O
yes, the word 'serenety' fits perfectly. btw, the resident evil 4 safe room music track is called 'serenity' and creates the very same atmosphere as well. but that's completely off-topic, hehe
I've seen an cut out scene from the movie durin the chun-li - vega fight that shows her doing a kikosho (Fireball) instead of throwing the sofa. http://cgshrines.rydia.net/chunli/011/001400.html is this in the new uncut version?
Human kind have been beating it to cartoons, drawings, and scribbles since before the Egyptians. Its only in roughly in the last 100 years than humans have been able to enjoy pictures of women. And really its only been forty years since people have had ready access to it. And only within the last twenty that it has become proliferated into anyones eyes with the personal computer and the internet.
So really, in the scheme of time, getting excited over pictures of real women is the new kid on the block. People having been spanking the monkey to cartoons and drawings for thousands of years, and aren't going to stop, even if some judgmental ass hat like yourself attempts to force his arrogance and superiority-complex over them.
Looks like a woman, acts like a woman, sounds like a woman... must be a woman, at least enough to get me hard.
Only the US version was cut. And it was not only Chun Li's shower scene that was cut, so was a lot of the blood, some of the fight scenes and the swearing.
The European version was "uncut" even the VHS version... I know, as I still have my copy.
I recently brought the 2 disc DVD edtion which features the "English "and Japanese versions. Now the English version is the same as the VHS version (complete with Chunner's wabs) I have which was "uncut"...or so I thought. I just watched the Jap version and that has a couple more shots of Chun Li's shower scene as well as a slightly longer and more violent Chun Li and "Vega" fight. The fight between Ryu and Fei Long was also slighty longer too.
I have now seen 3 versions of this movie.
1, The US massively cut version. This version is the worst as it looks like a kids film. All of the blood was cut, most of the violence was cut, the fights were shorter, and the swearing was cut...not to meantion Chun Li in the shower.
2, The European "uncut" version. The first version I saw and believed at the time and for a good few years it was "uncut". This featured the blood, the swearing, longer fights and Chun Li in the shower.
3, The Japanese version. Now This is (as far as I know) fully uncut. The shower scene is slightly longer, some of the fights are longer and more violent. But as the original Japanese names are used (Vega/Bison, etc) the story is also slightly different as well as a lot of the dialog.