MovieChat Forums > Se7en (1995) Discussion > Movies with zero comic relief

Movies with zero comic relief

What are some movies that remain bleak throughout? I'd say Se7en is one. Sure we have that scene in the apartment ("Just a soothing, relaxing, vibrating home huh?") but I wouldn't say it's all that funny - nor the part where Mills briefly talks about shaving off a nipple.

Anyway you get the idea. Here are some movies without comic relief:

- Se7en
- John Carpenter's The Thing
- Alien
- Irreversible
- Requiem for a Dream
- Blade Runner

Your turn.


In regards to John Carpenter's The Thing, I always saw the "tied to the fĂșcking couch" thing after the infamous blood test as comic relief.


I'd say Se7en has a decent amount of humorous moments:
Aside from what you mentioned, when Mills hires the homeless woman to testify that she called the police and put words into her mouth was funny, the captain answering the phone saying "this isn't even my desk!", Mills freaking out about reading Dante's inferno or whatever books Somerset gave him, "I didn't do that", Kevin Spacey talking about the dog, I think there were a lot of dark humor lines but I wouldn't call anything laugh out loud funny. There's probably a few others but I can't recall off the top of my head.

One movie, whether you like it or not I thought was bleak from beginning to end was 30 Days of Night... I can't remember any humor happening in that movie.


Blue Ruin is pretty cool about having comic relief and maintaining a very bleak atmosphere.

Thanks imdb, for the longest list of ignored users in any board ever! 138 and counting!


"This is not even my desk! *Hangs up phone*" Come on there's SOOOOOO much comic relief in this movie.



The Thing, seriously? What about the "Cheatin' bitch" scene, where Mac pours a drink into his computer? Or the immortal "I'd rather not spend the entire winter tied to this F-CKING COUCH!" line?


I didn't read all of the replies to this thread, so I'm sorry if this one has already been mentioned, but the first movie that came to my mind was "No Country for Old Men". I can't remember a single comic relief moment, it was very bleak from start to finish. One of my all time favorites, along with Se7en.


Brett and Parker get a couple of light moments in Alien. "Right".
