The hate for the DIC dub is because it is a completely distorted version of Sailor Moon. It is two steps away from being Saban Moon, it is a dub that eliminated pivotal plotpoints, scenes and characters, or changed them beyond recognition, completely altering the entirety of the show, like eliminating the gay relationships, eliminating violent scenes, emotional scenes, etc and that is why it gets so much hate and rightly so. And that is also what the people who didn't grow up with the DIC dub understand either, how can you love it. Yes, we understand the time and the fact that you grew up with it, but 20 years later you are still talking about it, and if you are a true Sailor Moon fan one would think you'd get past your emotional attachment to the DIC version, realize it is NOT an authentic Sailor Moon version and forget about it but that doesn't seem to be the case.