MovieChat Forums > Rob Roy (1995) Discussion > Not a single black face

Not a single black face

Did anyone else notice this? Not a single black actor in the entire film - not even as a background extra.


Blah blah black people...blah blah blah...everyone is against black people...blah blah blah...

Edit: Wow. Just noticed that this original post was in 2006. Woops.

If everything is true, nothing is true.


This thread reminded me of Charlies Angels 2 when bosley is trying to pass as a black scottish man..........people crack me up


Are there no such things as Black Scots?




In fact he was arrested in Los Angeles at the airport because security didn't believe he was a black Scottish guy, unbelievable, they didn't know what to make of it. Eventually we got the whole thing sorted out can you believe it?
Really? That is unbelievable. I live just a few miles from Edinburgh (in Northumberland, England) and I have known a lot of Inglis (East Lowland Scots and Northumbrians) who were black or Asian; infact the most ''Geordie'' (a Northumbrian from Newcastle) man I have ever seen was a Sikh of Indian descent (as most Sikhs are).

"Jai Guru Deva, Om"


Ummm...I hate to be the one to break this to you, but in 2004, the total Scottish population of blacks of all backgrounds was 1,129. (Trade Unions and Black and Minority Ethnic Workers in Scotland; STUC Research; September 2004). If you went back to Scotland in the early 1700s with a film crew, I'll wager 50 guineas you'd be hard-pressed to film a single one, no matter how hard you tried...



This is kind of off topic but was anybody else fascinated by the black servant boy? I really wanted to know more about him and how he felt and everything.


I think the young lad in the film was thinking - "Hmmm if they do give us emancipation, what ever will I do in Montrose ? I think I'll make my way to Dundee, I've heard a new company called Robertson's is looking for someone exotic to front some new food products."

Black Scots ? how about the obvious ? The Black Watch or, the Queen's Own Cameroon Highlanders ?

More seriously, the KAR (King's African Rifles), had an all black African kilted pipe band in the 1950's.

Getting back to basics - you cannot "will" people into a story who would not have been there. To do that is ridiculous. I saw something like that in Kevin Kostner's Robin Hood film. The Moor in the film version was really stretching things as the traditional English legend even as told with variations over the centuries, never featured any black members of Robin's band. It was clearly done as American PC for this Hollywood movie.

I would never expect to see white people appear in any story featuring black cultures where white people would not have been, likewise Native American stories at time and place where no whites would be there. That is totally proper and I would hate to see white Hollywood faces where they don't belong.

There was a distinct absence of black Highland clan members in early 18th Century Scotland and the British Army at that time had no black membership. My own clan has, to the best of my knowledge, not had black ancestry, however, the Confederation of Clan Chattan, of which my clan has been a member since 1396, has the hereditary chief's bloodline vested through emigration and marriage in the chief of the Creek race - the Chief of all Clan Mackintosh is Creek Chief Waldo Mackintosh (though maybe now he's passed on).

"Giftzwerge" - German nickname for The Cameronians "wee Glasgow hard men" - Minden 1950's



Who exactly is chief of the Clan Chattan confederation? I read that it was disputed between - was it the Macphersons and Mackintoshes?

"It is not enough to like a film. You must like it for the right reasons."
- Pierre Rissient



I'm pretty sure the lack of black people in this film was a decision based solely on the casting directors intense racism. It only makes sense right? No black people in a film = racism. No white people in a film = a movie about black people. Ah, the simpleness of life.

If anyone didn't notice I'm being sarcastic. Stupid ass racism trolls......


Complaining about a lack of Black Characters for a story set in Scotland during the 1700's is like complaining that Memoirs Of A Geisha doesn't have enough non Asians people should just realize that if the movie is dealing with a culture that is almost entirely Black, White, Asian etc than the cast of the movie should reflect that so let's get real



Not a single moron such as the OP either.

"..Combined with the spirit of bold curiosity for the adventure ahead!"


psst, a word in your ear. This thread is a troll attractor.

LOL, thank you. I would have thought that it was obvious, and I mean REAL obvious that this wasn't a serious thread. people are just responding to it cus they have crap they want to get off their chest about black people, but are obviously too chicken *beep* to speak their mind to a living, breathing person.
'My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my works. Ye Mighty, and despair!'



John Hurt is black deep down! I know, I van sense these things! Plus, we drink together- The booy wasn't really black, he was white beneath that fake exterior!


I love it now I expect the trolls to turn their energy around and advocate more white actors and actresses for a civil rights drama


So? Why did there need to be? You could say the same thing in reverse about the first episode of 'Roots'.

Historical movies should at least try to be somewhat accurate. I doubt 17th-18th century Scotland had very many dark skinned people living there. For the director to include more blacks than he did would have been ridiculous.

Have you made this comment on other movies? For example, 'The Last Samurai' with Tom Cruise? How many blacks were in Japan in the 1870's? Or 'The Cotton Club'? How many asians & hispanics were in Harlem during that era? Did you see any in the film? - No, because it would not be historically accurate.

Your posting is ignorant and unnecessary. Also, per other posters, there was a little black servant boy in one scene.


While I agree the original post is ridiculous, I think you picked a bad example in "Roots".

And I'm black but agree there is no reason to cast or feature any black characters in this period piece. But since the original post IS so ridiculous and outlandish, It should've been viewed for what it is - trolling.

Either the author is a black person of limited intelligence or a white person trying to get all the self righteous white people stirred up that want reinforcement for their belief that all we black people do is "play the race card over every little thing".

The race card could not be played if it were removed from the deck.
