Scariest scene?

i think it is a tie between the ol guy on the bike, deformed policeman, and contorted styles.

dont make a post that tells how bad/funny/not scary the movie is.



The whole movie is a nightmare!Very well done like Event Horizon.


Not a chance. It's when he's let out of the asylum by the things.

You keep expecting a jump scare, and when it doesn't come, your stomach drops. Very creepy moment that could have been just a stupid jump.


The deformed policeman has always caused me to be creeped out for some odd reason. I mean, when I look at the whole scenario and visual, it isn't exactly something that screams scary, yet it always sticks with me for some reason I can't explain. He's a terrifying monstrosity sitting there on the couch! Hell, I've been laying in bed before and the thought of the policeman's face pops into my mind and causes that silly little instance of childhood-like fear, LOL!

And yes, the boy on the bike in the darkness lit only by the headlights or tail lights and the sound of the peddling is indeed really bizarre and creepy.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?




The old man on the bike is creepy as hell, as were the strange goings on in that B&B, but what also stuck in my mind is when Sam Neil is cowering in his asylum cell when the world ends outside one stormy night and an army of monsters are tearing apart people offscreen.


It's been a long time since I saw this movie, but I remember a scene where the characters are in a diner, and a crazy person breaks through a plate glass window with an axe to attack them. That moment has stuck with me for some reason. There's very little build up to it, and the rapid shift from feeling relatively "safe" in a public space to in danger was very effective.


When they enter the hotel and Styles takes notice of the painting. The woman in the picture changes positions several times. Creepy as fawk ?
Whole movie is creepy. I'm going to Markham, ON just to check out that black church too...
