MovieChat Forums > Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995) Discussion > One of the funniest scenes of all time?

One of the funniest scenes of all time?

I've liked Mel Brooks' films, but I would say this was one of the "worst" (more like "not-as-good"). However, I think the scene where Harker and Van Helsing stake the vampire is one of the funniest scenes in comedy history, I honestly don't know anyone that didn't laugh during that scene and I still crack up whenever I see it again. It is just so over-the-top that it's brilliant, anyone else agree?


my favourite scene/ line is "But Lucy... i'm British!" to which Lucy replies "So are these"
and then when renfield is like, master you're upside down or when he thinks he can, the movie is amazing

" I am you know...yours"


I think the funniest part was when Jonathan drove a stake through Lucy's heart and all of her blood comes gushing out. It's hilarious, and actually the actor who played Jonathan had no idea what was going to happen. Mel just told him to put the stake in, and then he was in total shock, you can see it in his face.
I also love the parts when Dr.Seward suggests that they give the patients Enema.LOLZ SOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!!! (for those of you who don't know what Enema is, think of medicine for constipation, that just lets the river


Oh my god, LOL!! This is just one of those movies I've been watching since I was a kid, I absolutely love it. So its not Oscar material, but it'll always hold a special place in my heart!

Love all the scenes mentioned! This part gets me everytime:

(after Dracula has been killed)
Seward: Mr Renfield, your master is gone forever. You're a free man now.
Renfield: ...I am?
Seward: Yes. No one will ever control you again.
Renfield: *straightens up and brushes his hair back* You're right!
Seward: *turns to leave* come along.

Ahhh, I just love the way he reverts back so quickly, following Seward out the door, trying to hang onto his arm!! Peter MacNicol is such a crack up in this film.


Hope it hasn't been mentioned, but what about the scene where Van Helsing says - in a really goofy way - "She will become one herself!".
Or, earlier in the movie where the Gypsy woman does that warbling thing with her throat.

I found those scenes in particular to be quite amusing.

I think this is one of those films in which repeated viewings improves it; the comedy can somehow be more appreciated after you come to know what to expect.

Quite a guilty pleasure, this one.


I agree completely. I must have seen it a hundred times but it never fails to make me laugh, sometimes even just before the joke is even said! It's the antici-
-pation I think.


Film and Jim Carrey fansite with forum:


Oh come one guys!
10 pages and noone mentions the scene in the morgue where Van Helsing butchers a corpse and all his students faint one by one?!! that was awesome

last student standing: "I am still here"
Van helsing curses - then shows him how to crack the scull open and hands him the brain... Last student faints and hits the ground.
Van Helsing: "I've still got it!"




"It's an emrgency"
"An emerrrrrrrgency?"
"Yes. An emrrrrrrgency"

I love that.

Film and Jim Carrey fansite with forum:


my favourite ones are the following

a) While draculas wives are trying to seduce reinfeld, Dracula comes in and scares the crap out of those Vampire Women and yells to them.. and they leave veeeeeeery slowly Flying out the door with that melody again "AaaAaa.. Aaaaaa.. Aaaaaa..".. Dracula gets mad again and tells them to Stop that CRAP and that Melody stops.. and they start Walking out bored.. HAHAHAHAHAH

b) when reinfeld is told in 5 secs that he is free to go from the jail as his behavior has been so good, he runs in one direction, then stops and thinks it may be a trick to know where dracula is and runs in another direction, then stops and thinks no he must go where his master is and runs in another direction.. he does this stuff 3-4 times running within the same square in a funny way. Just thinking about the way he was running and stopping everytime cracks me up.

c) when dracula is killed accidentally by reinfeld by throwing in the sunlight, and then when he comes in crying to his masters ashes.. the way he is walking and crying was just too much..

d) of course the scene where reinfeld eats bugs while eating food with girls daddy.

i also liked him in mr. bean movie. he is so funny to look at.



!! I love all of those scenes Plus when you think that Dracula has such a ridiculous hairdo and then he takes it off and hangs it hahahaha!

Then there was the bat flying down.
"Children of the night....what a mess they make", then Dracula slips on the bat droppings and tumbles down the stairs

Bringer Of Light From On High, Bound To The Earth And Unable To Fly

