MovieChat Forums > Dead Presidents (1995) Discussion > Anthony got what he deserved...

Anthony got what he deserved...

I watched this movie for the first time a few days ago, and overall I would rate this movie as good. (6 or 7 stars out of ten)

But what took the movie down a couple of points in my opinion, was the ending when Anthony and his family where "SHOCKED" at hi sentance of 15 years to life. What did he expect? He planned and participated in a robbery that led to the death of several guards and a police officer. He is lucky he didn't get the needle. After all the guards and the cop got the death penalty.

There where thousands and thousands of service men and women (of all races) who came back from vietnam with major problems, and a great majority of them never robbed or killed anyone.

Anthony got what he deserved...


I think a major theme and question asked by this movie is:

Do you delight in the plight of your brother?

Now, unfortunately many of us (if honest) would have to answer, "Yes!", to this question. Will sending Anthony off to jail for 15 yrs, 20 yrs or life for that fact, change anything or bring back those killed? Sadly, no. Will he serve any good to the community or world in jail? No. Yes, safety for the public is a primary concern. NOW :) if you can see through the first question's obvious point (most can't), that brings us to the 2nd question:

Is Anthony a threat/danger to society and can we do better than an eye for an eye thus returning hate for hate?

I personally take no delight in seeing others punished, even if they assaulted me. It usually solves LESS than nothing. But what are we to do?

Love is the answer...but bring the extra clip in-case.


I think you missed the point of that scene TP, the scene wasn't to demonstrate that he "got what he deserved" it was to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the United States.


Hummm, maybe he should have fee listed after the heist, to uh, get lost for a while.

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


I think that a lot of you are missing the point. The point wasn't so much what the war in Vietnam or our government did to him. It was more so directed toward Anthony's reaction towards his sentence. He acted as if he was being unjustly punished or as if his punishment didn't fit the crime. Like dude, do you realize what you did? He conspired against the U.S government to steal like a quarter of a million dollars or more (I forgot how much, exactly). Not only did he use firearms to commit his crimes, he also used explosive devices, which resulted in the death of a uniformed police officer, several armed guards and a co-conspirators and he gets mad when the judge hands him a 15 year sentence and even had the audacity to throw a chair at the man, when his crazy ass should have been thankful that he didn't give his crazy ass the death penalty for what he did. 15 years is nothing compared to what he could have gotten and if he behaved himself, he probably could have gotten out in 7. He was acting like he expected them to drop the charges because he went to Vietnam.

You may be entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to mine.
Arimas, Samira


He was acting like he expected them to drop the charges because he went to Vietnam.

His life was taken away. Twice. Listen to what he said. He didn't make any excuses. He just went nuts when he heard "life".

He took responsibility and excepted his fate.

@ :44-1:03

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Anthony CHOSE to enlist in the Marines. When he came back, he was not ambitious enough to better himself. It's a dog eat dog world. He could have gone to school and I believe the Marines would have helped him do so, but chose to be a *beep* father, criminal and drain on society. That's all there really is to it IMO.


As others have mentioned. The system failed him and he accepted his sentence. I don't think you truly understand what the Vietnam Vets faced. And still deal with up to this day. The unemployment ratex poverty and post war stress. There were no programs of today. There was also the Agent Orange sickness that the Government totally ignored. You can't question Anthony's work ethic. He didn't sit around on his ass. You may want to review the film again.

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


He could’ve stayed in the military and continue having benefits and a decent income. Then retire with a decent pension.

He could’ve also become a police officer like the one they killed during the heist (who was also a marine).

He had choices and he chose to murder and steal.


His life was taken away. Twice. Listen to what he said. He didn't make any excuses. He just went nuts when he heard "life".

His life wasn't taken away; he gave it away. Nobody told him to skip college and join the marines during a war. Nobody told him to rob an armored truck and kill people. He made those choices himself so why get mad at somebody else, when he had to suffer the consequences for his own actions? That's crazy.

You may be entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to mine.
Arimas, Samira


“I had to do what I had to do to survive.”

Sounds like he was making excuses.


He could have gotten multiple life sentences or the Death Penalty based on the Felony Murder Rule alone.

I found it interesting that right before the heist a police officer, who is also a former marine, shows up. It’s like fate was giving them one last opportunity to walk away.

There you had another marine who became a police officer and lived a good and lawful life. They could’ve chosen to do what he did instead of a life of crime.
