MovieChat Forums > Dead Presidents (1995) Discussion > Anthony got what he deserved...

Anthony got what he deserved...

I watched this movie for the first time a few days ago, and overall I would rate this movie as good. (6 or 7 stars out of ten)

But what took the movie down a couple of points in my opinion, was the ending when Anthony and his family where "SHOCKED" at hi sentance of 15 years to life. What did he expect? He planned and participated in a robbery that led to the death of several guards and a police officer. He is lucky he didn't get the needle. After all the guards and the cop got the death penalty.

There where thousands and thousands of service men and women (of all races) who came back from vietnam with major problems, and a great majority of them never robbed or killed anyone.

Anthony got what he deserved...


I've been thinking the same thing for quite some time, and nobody save for maybe two of my best friends seem to agree with me. Others use the excuse of "things were hard for him after returning from Vietnam"-- PLEASE. There's people out there who've had it much worse.

When Anthony throws his tantrum in the courtroom, two things he said in his defense stuck out in my head: "Maybe it was wrong, but I certainly didn't mean for anyone to get hurt." Guess what, man? It was wrong. And you did cause people to get hurt. The death of five police officers? Possibly six? Not all by Anthony himself, but his partners-in-crime. The fact that the heist was a botch job was no excuse. The other thing, "after all the sh!t I did for this motherfvckin' country?" No, Anthony. It was after and because of all the peoples' lives that you and your friends took. Of course you're going down if caught. Was he expecting a slap on the wrist for killing people and robbing an armoured truck? Military service doesn't equal a free pass.

It didn't help that they all acted like total dimwits after the heist. Cleon starts rolling high-profile, handing out his share to churchgoers and claiming the Lord Himself gave it to him, not to mention getting a brand-new Cadillac that he clearly couldn't afford. Anthony, and junkie Skip handing out Christmas gifts randomly. Not to mention Anthony, Skip, and Kirby just hanging around after pulling the botched heist instead of leaving town immediately.

I slightly disagree. Anthony got off easy. Having it hard financially as a black man during the times (I'm black myself) is no excuse.

Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....


I think that was the irony of it. When he was killing for his country it was alright but when his country turned it's back on him and he resorted to desperate measures he gets life. It obviously wasnt right what he did but you gotta be able to look at it from both sides.


^This, I couldn't have put it better myself.



When I first saw this movie I do remember thinking " This fool must be crazy. Why is he so mad and shocked, what was he expecting?". He should have been happy to hear 15yrs. I expected at least life with possible parole in 25 and that's pushing it.

I'm too old to be politically correct, I'm gone be real. Take it or leave it.


They should have forced him back in the service for 15 years instead of wasting time in jail, but whatever.


T0 an extent I agree. Should Anthony have gotten off with say probation? No. As the judge correctly pointed out the robbery did take "the lives of several innocent people". I think the 15 years was appropriate (although it probably added up to 20 when you factor in the thrown chair).

What was inappropriate was the judge's insinuation that Vietnam was not a "real war". I bet that if any families of people killed in Vietnam had been in that courtroom, they might have been less than pleased with that comment.

What the judge should have said:

"Mr. Curtis. I understand that you had it rough coming home after Vietnam. I appreciate the sacrifice that you made. But this does not change what has happened here. Innocent people were killed and being a war veteran does not place you above the law."

Anthony probably got out after 15-20 years. He wasn't a career criminal. I think under the surface he felt a strong sense of remorse for his actions. He didn't let it show. But I think it was there.


Exactly, yeah he was in a hard place, but he chose to have innocent people killed in the process and put his friends life at risk which resulted in their death so he got what was coming, violence is never the answer.




i think that was the point of the movie.How they turned ignorant kids into assassins in vietnam who when they got back they were a menace to themselves and society.And in the end the same system who made him an assassin punished him for what he had become.Ofcourse not all veterans became criminals but this movie is about an ignorant black kid who didnt really have any control over his life,left his teen girlfriend pregnant before going to war,could not support his kids when he came back,and could not find a way out of his problems but with the only thing he had been trained for which were guns and violence.


Well said.


Yeah, I thought he actually got off really easy--participating in the deaths of a half dozen cops? And he has the possibility of getting out of jail in 15 years? Granted, it would probably be more like 20, but still--if my dad was one of the guards killed in cold blood and the killer got out in 15-20 years, I'd probably be furious and horribly tormented by the fact. He really got a fantastic break.


I think we all hear what you are saying. True, if that was my dad I would be angry too. But I think the point some are trying to make if that society ALSO has to claim some responsibility. I mean, you train young men to be heartless, consciousless, and to be cold blooded killers. Then when they come back to society, you then punish them for being just what you trained them to be. We know what Anthony did was wrong, but society cannot wash the blood off its hands and bear no responsibility to what these men may become as a result of the war. I mean if they really cared, why didnt' they have jobs for these men when and if they returned from the war?


After I watched this movie for the first time last year in January with a friend I didn't know what to think. I was shocked at the ending and the court scene (incredible acting by Larenz Tate) that part where he throws the chair....

Anyways, I think what Anthony did doesn't make things right I think there were other options he could have done he got some of his friends killed and cops I thought he was going to get the death penalty myself. He could have got out early by doing good some judges allow that to happen.


He was lucky to not get a life sentence without the possibilty of parole.


Of purse he got what he "deserved". Butbthat wasn't the issue. The scene helped the viewer see how the War was viewed by many. It also portrayed how the system Anthony seved, betrayed him. Anthony was a realist. He stated that "ain't nothing going to get me out of this". I think he reacted to the smug attitude of the judge and most violently when he heard the word "life". .

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


I agree, but I didn't like the judge's snide remark which said that Vietnam wasn't a "real" war.

That was ridiculous and I wish that chair had hit him.
