the whole redemption thing, anyone else felt appaled?
Hi there folks.
So i just wanted to hear your opinions on this topic. I've seen ones covering the whole "feel sorry/not"-aspect but this i think is something a little different. What I'm refering to is the whole "finding Jesus"-thing that the nun preached about.
This is a clear example on just how disgusting religious people are. The way she actually tells Poncelot that he can seek forgiveness by basically taking responsibility. A murderer and rapist can be forgiven by God and find redemption and the message is clear; it doesn't really matter in the end, there's an infinate amount of "second chances" to be had. A religion that preaches something like this is appaling beyond words, and i felt that she should be ashamed for being a nun and doing what she did. Nice to know that there are crooked, self-righteous people out there with their dogmas, ready to comfort criminals like this and giving them hope in the last seconds of their life.
But again that's jut me. What do you guys think about this matter? Is it disgusting to come and preach redemption or should people always have a "second chance" coming their way?
I'd be *beep* furious if my son was killed or daughter raped/killed and someone like this nun comes in with her *beep* belief in her vile, dogmatic redemption, giving a man like this hope. I'd actually much rather see him die lone and vulnerable about his "afterlife" and i think he didn't deserve any better.