I think people were not ready for a female as the lead in a pirate movie.
Gena was a huge star in the 90's coming off thelma and luise, league of their own, hero ,beetle juice and the fly
she was one of the top female actresses, but for a female lead in a pirate movie which is historically a mans world made it comical.
this was not Aliens!
Mathew modine was never a real A list bankable leading star, he was always a great actor who starred in good movies, but he was never the Super star.
so this might have confused audiences also, was this 100 million dollar movie with reny harlin who just directed diehard 2 and cliffhanger, starring gena davis and mathew modine,
in a time where bruce willies, mel gibson, costner ,stallone, arnie, JCVD seagal, etc etc
were all the a list stars.
so people were probably thinking, ummmm what is this? another waterworld?
disney summer movie for kids?
is it a comedy?
I think the script needed to be more darker, and the lead character should of been a man. and a strong female supporting role.
I don't know.. I mean some films flop and no one knows why. thats hollywood
some films go on to make 300 million dollars with a 100thousand budget and everyone is left scratching their heads