MovieChat Forums > Clueless (1995) Discussion > Did Hollywood blackball Alicia Silversto...

Did Hollywood blackball Alicia Silverstone shortly after "Clueless"?

What I mean is that did she piss the wrong people off? I mean, she went from the big "It Girl" of the mid-'90s to being washed up overnight. I know that people often like to point to her participation in Batman & Robin (and all of the crap that Alicia got over gaining too much weight), but, I've read the suggestion that even on behind the scenes extra DVD footage for Clueless, she actually came across as someone who had really high principles for her age. So it couldn't have been that surprising that she refused to bow down for roles or do whatever Hollywood wanted.

Somebody on the old IMDb message boards wrote that when they encountered her, Alicia Silverstone had one of the worst attitudes you could ever have come from somebody in the business:


No that was after batman and robin.


After watching Clueless on CBS last week, I'm also a part of the group who wonders why Alicia Silverstone's career took a sharp nosedive soon after Clueless. In Clueless, Alicia was charismatic, likable, and charming as Cher. But soon after, the media was dogging her for putting on weight, she made Batman & Robin as you pointed out, and then that movie that she produced (the first and only one from her production company) called Excess Baggage. Hollywood it seems, pretty much wrote her off after Excess Baggage and to a lesser extent, Blast from the Past with Brenden Fraser.

This link below suggest that Alicia Silverstone at her peak, was like Drew Barrymore (cute, quirky, coquettish, down to earth) without the familial Hollywood dynasty connections:


I wonder if both Reese Witherspoon and Drew Barrymore still would've achieved their respected spots on Hollywood's A-list when they did had Alicia Silverstone not had her career downturn? As explained here:

Some of the movies that Reese did like Election and Legally Blonde in particular, could've easily fit the mold that Alicia should have been in. It's just that Reese unlike Alicia, had the political savvy or social skills to network with the right people; or the confidence to demand better opportunities. Plus, Reese is simply a better overall actress than Alicia.


Well, she was not that bankable, most of her movies after Clueless were not profitable.

And as you said she was rumored to be quite a diva. That is actually believable because she hated the sweet girl she played in Clueless, said some quite harsh things about the role she played, but everyone loved Cher.


Alicia Silverstone like you said, apparently didn't want to do Clueless right away because up until that point, she had never done comedy before. More to the point, she found the character of Cher to be materialistic, unappealing, and annoying.

I've for quite some time, became inclined to believe that the real reason behind Alicia's career stalling was that she became a bit of a nightmare to work with. Based on some of the old interviews that I've read, she gave off the impression that she honestly felt that her doo-doo didn't stink. There seemed to be a bit of an underling sense of defensiveness, anger and the feeling that "she knows better than you do" to put it in another way.


I think that Alicia completely missed the point about Cher's character. It seems like she just focused on the fact that she was wealthy and fashionable, and therefore wasn't a person to admire by default. I had previously wrote that Clueless was actually pretty unique for a movie of its genre. Cher despite being a pretty, popular girl is genuinely nice. She isn't exactly an alpha bitch like say Regina George in Mean Girls or Heather Chandler in Heathers.


If you believe this particular "blind item", then it seems apparent that shortly after Clueless, Alicia starting making enemies:

Which pretty actress many once believed to be the 'next big thing' became an outcast in Hollywood for many years after the very favorable production deal she wrangled for herself- which many thought was completely undeserved- failed big-time. That, plus one rather ill-received movie role and an allegedly not terribly nice personality meant her once bright career never recovered.

Alicia was also by most accounts, very uncooperative when she did Excess Baggage:

Keep in mind that on this movie, Alicia got to choose a script, cast the movie, pick a director, and generally develop the project.


I've for quite some time, became inclined to believe that the real reason behind Alicia's career stalling was that she became a bit of a nightmare to work with.

What she said about Cher was kind of a tip off of her attitude. You don't say bad things about your movie, criticizing the main role was kind of risky move in terms of movie promotion. It also shows she did not really understand people or the world.

Being too young and too successful I think kind of ruined her.

Her acting did not have much range but if she did not become a producer (and so full of herself) she might not have fallen that quickly or that badly.


That's what I believe got the likes of Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox on Steven Spielberg's "s**t list" after working with them on Transformers and Indiana Jones 4. I'm guessing that in Spielberg's mind, those two broke the unwritten rules in Hollywood. Those being, don't publicly trash your projects when they're currently out and don't bite the hands that feed you.


the unwritten rules in Hollywood. Those being, don't publicly trash your projects when they're currently out and don't bite the hands that feed you.

Two things that any actor with even a modicum of intelligence should not need telling.


She gained weight shortly after "Clueless", and looked heavy-for-an-actress in "Batman and Robin". She also got a production deal around the same time and tried to produce films for herself, which did not result in any hits.

The combination of ten extra pounds and a couple of flops was definitely enough to make Hollywood lose interest in her, whether she had any problems playing well with others or not.


Regarding Alicia's weight gain, I think that a lot of the problem stemmed from it making her out to be undisciplined. What I mean is that when playing a superhero, it's within reason to anticipate an actor to get into suitable physical shape.

I mean, Christopher Reeve for instance, had to bulk up in order to play Superman. He worked with David Prowse, the man who wore the Darth Vader suit to put on muscle, since he was as skinny as a bean-pole. Christian Bale also had to put on weight for Batman Begins after losing a ton for a movie that he did called The Machinist. Chris Pratt also had to get into shape prior to doing Guardians of the Galaxy given how pudgy he looked on Parks & Recreations.

I'm guessing people figured that the press hounding Alicia over her weight was mostly stemmed in misogyny. Even so, Alicia herself as suggested in of the comments that I linked, didn't do herself any favors with her attitude around this time. There was an interview she did at the time where she was asked how much weight she was going to lose and she said none, she was just going to get fatter and fatter just to piss everyone off.

She let things get to her and then turned surly and ugly, which is partly why the press picked on her.


Heaven forfend that a 20-year-old should be immature!!!

But yeah, while Hollywood is quite insane about women's weight, I think it was the failure to have a follow-up hit that did in her career. If an actor gets butts in the seats, they figure that attitude is part of the deal, and they might be willing to overlook some physical flaws. But without that crucial money coming in... nothing is forgiven.


Why should the fact that Alicia Silverstone was 20 years old at time, excuse her for some of the unpleasant things that she may have said or done at the time? So I suppose that Alicia Silverstone shouldn't be asked like a professional and attempt to get along with people regardless of age. Alicia mind you, was an emancipated minor, having been so since she was about 14 years old when she made The Crush. Being 20 years old isn't an excuse to treat those around you like dirt or be a stuck up bitch. And I again must direct you to this interview from Movieline from 1995 that doesn't reflect Alicia in the most flattering light.

You do have a point in that Alicia post-Clueless, didn't put the proverbial butts in the seats. But it was her allegedly hostile behavior on the set of Excess Baggage coupled with that movie not performing very well at the box office that made it easier for Hollywood to wash their hands of her.


Quite frankly, many big-name actors are assholes behind the scenes, read up on Bruce Willis for example. So the fact that Silverstone may have acted like a beyotch post-Clueless would not have been a big problem, IF she'd had more hits. If an actor is the lead in hit films, all is forgiven - or at least, tolerated! Or tolerated until they have a couple of flops. Then, the knives come out and the fall is fast.

So while I don't like to think that my homegirl was a bitch (I grew up one town away from her), the fact is, I don't think it was bitchery that stalled her career. I think that a failure to have a second hit was THE biggie, and the fact that she'd put on a couple of pounds probably cost her some good roles as well, and reduced her chances of having another hit film when she needed one.


That is true. Reminds me of TV series "The nanny", in which the producer (male main lead) explained to his nanny:"Alright, Miss Fine, let me see if you can follow this, hmm? Sky: blue! Fire: hot. Actor: pain in the butt!"


Of course Hollywood may have double standards when it comes to behavior, too, the suits probably take more shit from an adult male like Bruce Willis than they would from a pretty 20-year-old girl. Just like they don't care if the Willises get a little soft around the middle in some roles, but an extra ten pounds would be considered career-threatening for a pretty young woman.

Which is all pure supposition on my part, and at least partly supposition on yours. On well, I'm going to get some sleep.


They would have kept taking craps from her as long as she delivered, regardless of gender or age. But since her movies after "Clueless" failed to sell, that was when her attitude became an issue.

They kept taking craps from Bruce Willis because even die hard 5 was a profitable movie.

If you are a genius then most people would not have minded if you were rude. If you are not a genius and you have people skills you can still punch above your weight.

So I think her attitude definitely affected her career, otherwise there should at least be a "Clueless" sequel.

Then again I was a moron at that age and my attitude was not much better than hers, so her behavior was understandable. Her success came before she was ready for it. I shudder to think what would have happened to me if I had that much money and fame at that age.


looked heavy-for-an-actress



[R75] I agree. It’s more likely Reese sabotaged Alicia Silverstone than Dunst. But honestly I think Silverstone sabotaged her own career with bad film choices and her hippy earth mother personality. She so wanted to be the female River a Phoenix minus the drugs. She just came across dull and not fun like Cher in Clueless.

reply 76 3 hours ago


What's crazy is that Drew Barrymore herself, has a "hippy earth mother/child" personality to her public persona too. But with her, it comes across as cute and charming instead of gross, irritating, and off-putting in Alicia's case. Whereas Drew is simply a "free spirit", Alicia is considered a "flake".


Somebody wrote on Reddit that Alicia Silverstone wasn't very good a picking projects. She did this film following Clueless called Excess Baggage, where she claims that she re-wrote part of the script. For one thing, it isn't exactly the best idea for an actor to attempt to write their own dialogue. But she also made the choice or producing a movie based on a script that she didn't think was good enough to begin with.
