There sure is a lot of earth-related crap floating around in the Delta Quadrant.
On the other side of the galaxy, 70,000 light-years from earth, what are the odds that you’d run into the alien race responsible for the tattoo on your head. Odds would have to be incalculable.
And other characters just happen to run into things that are personal to them.
-Sevens runs into the ship that carried her to the delta quad
-Belanna is reaquainted with the missile she helped create, and later, some Klingons that wanna worship her.
-Even Neelix finds other Talaxians closer to the alpha quad
Then, there's:
-Finding Amelia Earhart
-Earth Borgs stranded on a planet
-Meeting the Voth
-Running into the Equinox.
-And even some Ferengi.
All of this is laid out while in a straight-line course back the the Alpha Quadrant. Not saying I didn’t enjoy these episodes, but c’mon, that was really over-doing it.