MovieChat Forums > The Outer Limits (1995) Discussion > Think hard. The best episode of the enti...

Think hard. The best episode of the entire series was...?

I know there are well over a hundred episodes..It's likely that most of us have not seen them all..but if you could only keep ONE episode and then the series would... I don't know.. fall into a black hole? Which one would it be??

I pick "The Refuge", the episode where a man stumbles to snowbound cabin and is told the world has been hit by a never ending winter. Everyone turns out to be frozen in sleep and Sanford Vallé is the only one aware of this and is controlling them all.

P.S. I would try to steal a copy of "The Haven" as well


My favorite episode has always been The Other Side. So I pick that one

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


Having only watched about 15 episodes from the first four seasons on a random basis, the best so far is "A Special Edition" closely followed by "Dead Man's Switch".

The scary thing about "A Special Edition" is that it's a lot closer to fact than science fiction. That's what makes it so uncomfortably satisfying.

"Lithia" is also a great episode but it makes my blood boil with its sexist overtones.

"Scepticism is the highest of duties, and blind faith the one unpardonable sin.” Thomas Huxley


Quality of Mercy for me. It's the one episode I always go back to. Love Robert Patrick, and when I saw the twist ending for the first time it made me rethink everything about the entire episode and what it really meant.


I Robot or The Voyage Home

And so Governor Devlin, because even the cost of freedom can be too high, I REFUSE your pardon!



I just asked what a flick was from "need to know" and it was *Sand Kings*. Now I certainly haven't seen most of them but *Sand King* stands out. It was pretty cool.

Now Im watchinga espisode of [newer] Outer Limits and it looks cheap!with the kid from wonder years.whatever. if I ever start watching Outer Limits It would be the B&W one first.

Come down off the cross, We need the wood - Tom Waits


I enjoyed I Robot, mainly because I am a huge fan of Isaac Asimov's robot stories. Even though the episode was not actually written by Asimov, his influence on it is obvious.

Lithia should be made into a full length movie.

I just saw The Sentance, which feature a great acting job by David Hyde Pierce, although I could see the surprise ending comming a mile away.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


Ermmm....this version of I Robot (1939) was written long before Asimov (1950) by Eando Binder


I like "A Special Edition". Very believable.

I also like "Revelations of Becca Paulson"' because I love Stephen King. For those who don't know, there is a short story by Mr. King with the same title, and she is also in "Tommy Knockers" - her friend in the picture being Jesus telling her about her "unfaithful" husband.



"Nobody throws me my own guns and says run. Nobody."


I agree that "The Refuge" was a great episode. It's very close between "A Stitch in Time" and "The Refuge" as to which is best. I viewed the series recently with my girlfriend and she agreed that those two stand out as the best by a wide margin.

Not sure why people here like "Special Edition". It sucked. It was one of those lame "clip shows" where they piece together old episodes, sometimes changing the plot of what actually occurred. There is very little new material in Special Edition.


^I'm guessing that the people who really liked Special Edition didn't realize it was a clip show. I actually didn't mind the clip shows because I thought it was interesting to see an anthology show link episodes together and even take stuff out of context to create something new. Even if you hate the clip shows, at least they made room for other episodes to have bigger budgets. But to say that Special Edition or any of the clip shows are one of the better episodes is just silly.

But I agree that The Refuge and A Stitch in Time were two of the best episodes from this series. I can't pick a favorite episode though!


Totally agree guys, special edition was a decent idea but the episodes they pulled from to center the story around were pretty lame. That's awesome your girlfriend watched it with you, not all girls would watch OL. Another question..any particular episode or maybe you just remember the plot..stick out as unwatchable? There were several for me


The Best 1 if U could Keep Only 1 has to be the 1 I worked on: Actually had the Idea 4 The Conversion: This moves me every time, cause the Faith in Mankind is Uniquely Restored: If even a Bad Man can be shown the error of his ways: Then their is Hope 4 us all After All: This 1 and Inconstant Moon, plus 1st Anniversary, and Trial By Fire which all deserve Special 2ndary Honorary Mention:

Thanx Cheers TRX:



What do you mean when you say you had the idea for it? Did you work on it? If so, share some insight with us about what it was like for you
