Weakest episode?

Despite being a massive Father Ted fan, I find a few episodes to be nowhere near as funny as the rest. 'And God Created Women,' and 'Rock A Hula Ted' really didn't do anything for me, and I found the Christmas special really dragged after the famous department store scene.

What is the weakest episode in your opinion?


Rock A Hula Ted, I'm Scottish and I quite like some of Claire Grogan's stuff but why they asked her to do an Irish accent when they could easily have gotten an Irish lass to do one correctly is beyond me. My whole enjoyment of the episode was miredby her posing all the time (even though that was the character) and bumbling the accent.

I think you know what I'm gettin' at Mr. President. We're gonna kill us a mummy.


"Flight Into Terror", although good, wasn't really in the same league as most others from the FT series.

I think limiting the entire episode to one location - the inside of an airplane - bored me a little. And I think the story suffered for it as well.

And I looked & I beheld a pale horse & the name that sat on him was Death & Hell followed with him.


'Kicking Bishop Brennan up the Arse'

I have nothing against the episode itself and think its brilliantly funny, but I consider it the weakest because I rally got sick of them talking about Ted 'Kicking Bishop Brennan up the Arse'

That line must have been said about 50 times in the episode and sometimes it gets on my nerves, it really didn't need it as the rest of the episode was too funny as it is

Last games completed: - Metro 2033 (360), - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)


escape from victory.


I didn't care much for the episode with the sheep.


I LOVE the Sheep episode! But maybe that's because I'm mad about sound effects and cheap horror movies...

The difference between knowing your sh**
and knowing you're sh**.



The series is a classic but I've never been fond of that episode with the Rabbits.

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LOL, I thought the episode with the rabbits was hilarious and it's one of my favorites. That episode is called The Plague. I also actually really like Flight Into Terror as well.

I agree about Rock a Hula Ted and Chirpy Burpy Cheap Sheep, those two didn't really do it for me either. Great show overall though.


Rock a Hula Ted is one I tend to avoid, never liked it.

A couple episodes I really don't care for but love specific scenes in are A song for Europe and Chirpy Burpy Cheap Sheep. The Music video for My Lovely Horse is hilarious but the episode does nothing for me. Chirpy is pretty bland humour wise, except for one of my favorite scenes in the entire show/series:

"Don't forget Dougal during leap years, Father Jack is very much effected by the changing of the seasons; for a short while a marvelous serenity enters his life, and he is at one with nature" cutting to Jack hilariously dancing and skipping outside


Good Luck, Father Ted is the weakest episode in my opinion.


A song for Europe I guess it was kind of weak but it had some good moments. I don't know I guess I can't really find a really weak episode to harp on about.


Really? That's the first episode I watched and it got he hooked at the show immediately!
