MovieChat Forums > Major Payne (1995) Discussion > Funniest Scene ever....

Funniest Scene ever....

This is, and always be one of my favorite movies. Damon Wayans is hilarious! My favorite scene in the movie has got to be when Payne is trying to become a police officer and they want him to defuse a make believe domestic situation with the two other cadets, and Payne grabs the man:


And he ends up knocking the poor guy out!! What is everyone else's favorite scene??


i can't choose a favorite scene but one of my favorite lines was when he was talking to the boys in the beginning and said, "War has made me very paranoid! etc."


Payne- "Haven't you've ever heard the expression, little people can do big things? Look at them three lil' pigs, little red Riding Hood,...Spike Lee."

Makes laugh my ass off ever time
Another one is:

"You want to show you a technique to take the edge off that pai


you better go back to sleep before that bad man in that closet comes out and chops your little head off. the *swoosh* from his macahte sp? is sooooo funny

muthaf ucka, you shoulda told me ya was bit, i'm walking with you and s hit


the part that cracks me is up is after he leaves the military, he is in his hotel room complaining that "its been two whole weeks since i last kill't me a man". You see a rat one moment, then payne cooking that rat over a fire. this is the part that kills me: a cat comes close to payne and he turns around and makes a hissing noise. im not sure if i described this whole scene correctly, but its soooo funny.



i guess i will have to say a different part that cracks me up everytime.

"can i get a 1,2, can i get a 3, 4,, break it on down, break it on down..


ok, damn. the part before Major Payne beat up Bam Bam Bigelo.


You will not eat, sleep,drink, or even dig in your butts without my say-so.
know this: killin is my business ladies and business is gooooooood
Tiger: yoohoo

fi uoy gnikcuf emalf em ll'i emalf uoy kcab (read it backwards)


(Maj. Payne w/ Emily after their night out)

MP: "And that was the first time I drove a man's nose through his brain resulting in instant death and immediate bowel evacuation...hehehe. But enough about me, what's your story little lady?"


That was hysterical. I also liked Payne's dancing at the disco and when he tells Tiger the bedtime story of The Little Engine Who Could.


Hello Betty!!

this is easily Damon Wayans' best film. Payne is one of the funniest characters to ever grace the big screen. I'm surprised it has a low rating on imdb, anyone with comedy film chops knows this is a great laugh out loud movie. I roar every time I watch it.



This entire movie is funny. It is so hard to nail down one scene. I used to quote from it all the time. So I'll go with my favorite quotes.

"Boom!" - During the Little Engine that Could scene. "His little bloody nubbs were kickin' real fast." "Lula Mae's baby boy."

"I'm sorry Major, you've killed them all."

First meeting the cadets- "Killin' is my business ladies, and business is goooood." "Find a piece of candy in your pocket?" "Oh I see. Now give me 25 more for speaking outta line!"

"Now my patch of brussel sprouts, uproot yourselves.." "Tomorrow ladies, we gon start the hard stuff."

Williams: Break it on down, break it on down. Butt so tight he can't pass gas.

"One, don't you feel dumb. Two, look at you. Three, don't ever talk about me behind my back or I'll stomp you in the ground."

"I'm just a baldheaded son of a b*tch without hair."

"I have a suprize for you, it's a bullet, it's from the heart. No really, it's from the heart, left ventricle, took it out myself with a field knife."

"Looks like the party's just begun."

"That boy knows the drill like the knob on the back of his head."

Plus the scene where they dance at the end. Looking at the fat kid kills me.
This movie is so hilarious, one of the funniest ever!


its a bullet from my heart.




1. "Ohhhhhh chiiiillllldreeenn........"

2. "I'm gonna teach you to rhyme the military'T YOU FEEL DUMB! Two...... LOOK AT YOU!"

3. "let me guess, you're snoop diggity dog"

4. The whole apocolypse now parody scene

5. Anytime Major Payne laughs... he he he he he he


Nobody mentioned the biker saying "You said you were gonna kick me in the face."
"You callin' me a liar?"
"Oh, Children!"


the bit were that one with big ears gets knocked out by a fart lol and there outside and in the background, some of them doing shooting practice amd payne clipa the deaf one around the head and shouts WOTS THE MATTER U CANT SEE EITHER LMAO


Dir Ye Dir


"If you want my sympathy look in the dictionary between *beep* and siphilous"



This movie had no funny parts.

Knock Yo Self Out!
