MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > Why is the kind of sitcom "30something p...

Why is the kind of sitcom "30something people living together in a big city" dead now?

"Friends" was the most popular show of this kind. But there were some examples before (Like "Cheers" or "Seinfield") and there were their heirs after ("How I Met Your Mother","Big Bang Theory","New Girl"). But right after those,now its almost a decade that these kind of sitcoms are not produced anymore. The sitcom genre in general is almost disappeared,but specifically this kind of sitcom about 30something people in New York (or some other big city) is basically dead. There was the HIMYM spin-off "How I Met Your Father",thats true,and i think thats the only example we can make in the last few years.
Why do you think this happened?
-Its because of the streaming model?
-Its because modern 30 years old dont find them relatable somehow? (But shows like Friends or How I Met Your Mother still makes great numbers on streaming services)
-Or some other reason?

Why do you think that this kind of sitcom is basically disappeared from tv? Can it come back somehow?


I dont know why,but it would be cool if it comes back


Most "30somethings" live at home with their parents, so it's why we don't have a proper reboot of "Thirtysomething."


Thats another aspect for sure. They (we) are less adults than we used to be? Or just adults in a different way. But,like i said,many young people still loves series like Friends or HIMYM,they go strong on Netflix and other streaming services,so this mean young people still find the characters relatable,so i dont know.


My heart will always be with 'Friends' and 'HIMYM' :)


It's too expensive to live in a big city even with a roommate.


The sad part is "it just depends" on who you are (eyeing a political commentary more than anything... but I will not go further, politically, as this is the general forum).


I thought the point of sharing accommodation , ala "Friends" or "New girl" "big bang" was to enable moving out of parents in the face of high property prices .

Should be more prevalent now than ever


Good comment. I'm prolly going to ponder on this for awhile.


People want to identify with one or another of the characters on the show.
Can you imagine nowadays anyone identifying with a member of a group of friends who remain friends while all of them sleep with everybody else?
Nowadays that group would break up in violence after just a few weeks.


The WRITING was great.

ANY show could work ANYWHERE if the writing is tops




This is the correct answer. A loud minority on social media has ruined this genre of sitcoms as everyone bitches about the skin color and sexual orientation of the characters.


Today's viewers can't relate to characters who aren't constantly looking at their phones.

Shows about characters who constantly look at their phones just aren't very interesting.

Thank the invention of the cell phone for killing off "singles in the city" shows.
