MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > Friends ended 13 years ago

Friends ended 13 years ago

Make up your story lines as to what you think all of the characters are doing now?

Did Joey ever marry or is he still a single player? Did he stay in California or move back to NY?

Are Ross and Rachel still together? Chandler and Monica? Mike and Phoebe?
Do they still hang out much any more or has marriage and family pulled them apart? Do Monica and Chandler still live in the same house or did they finally move to France to live in a house of cheese. Do they still constantly run into......"OH....MY....G..!"?

And how annoying of a PTA mom is Monica?


Here's what I think would have happened

Joey moved back to NY eventually and got married. They divorced after a few years because he couldn't give up his womanizing ways. He became an acting coach once his acting opportunities began to dwindle due to getting older.

I think Mike and Phoebe are still together and have a few kids. She sang Smelly Cat to them as a lullaby.

Monica and Chandler are still married and living in the same house. Their children become friends with Janice's children. I actually think that having kids would mellow Monica out a bit. She would become less of a clean freak because no matter
how hard she would try, there would be a mess somewhere. She would still like things to be clean and tidy of course, but wouldn't be neurotic about it anymore. I do see her being an annoying PTA mom. Picture Phoebe's wedding levels of bossiness.

Ross and Rachel I do not see staying together. They just didn't seem very compatible to me. I think after five years they would have had enough of each other. They would separate but remain friends and both would eventually remarry. They would still live close to each other so that Emma could spend plenty of time with both of her parents.

I do believe they all continued to hang out and be part of each others lives. Certainly not like before when they were all single and childless, but they don't drift apart and become strangers.


Chandler and Monica are now swingers. Still happy though.


I imagine all of them dead or in prison.


this sounds about right.


As if i dind't feel old enough already! Hard to believe it has been this long ago


1. Monica & Chandler. I liked them as a couple as first, but my opinions changed as the seasons progressed. Chandler finally had enough of Monica's controlling ways and filed for divorce. The split was nasty. They share custody of their two children, but the kids prefer living with Dad. Monica reunited with Richard, and eventually married him. They now live in an upscale New York suburb in a big house. She and Richard are actually happy now. He's the guy who mellowed Monica out because he actually stands up for himself.

Chandler dated around for a few years. There were a couple of potential life partners in the mix, but they didn't work out. He ran into Kathy one day at the park while hanging out with his kids. Kathy is now a mom as well. A single mom of toddler son and she's pregnant with a girl. They started talking and eventually got back together. They now live together in Kathy's huge condo in New York, with plenty of room for their kids. When the baby is born, Chandler will adopt her.

2. Mike and Phoebe. They are still happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. They live near Monica & Chandler's old home. The home they moved into in the final season. They considered having more children, but they both realized that they're fine with the family they have. They are now in a band together called Smelly Cats, and it's fairly successful. They do a lot of traveling for work, so they don't get to stay in their New York home very much. Their kids occasionally travel with them.

3. Ross and Rachel. They had two more children together, another girl and a boy. After Rachel gave up the Paris job, she started her own clothing line. After what seemed like a hundred years, it's became successful. Rachel doesn't model, but she does design a lot of the clothes. She and Ross have a LAT relationship. Ross didn't think it would work at first, but was shocked to find that it actually saved their marriage. He still is a professor at NYU.


4. As for Joey, he definitely had his fair share of women over the years. But that sorta changed when he met Tran during a press tour for a romantic comedy he started in. Joey made it clear that he didn't believe in monogamy, which was fine with Tran. But despite this, the two of them grew closer and fell in love. They're engaged to be married now. They don't have any children, but haven't ruled out the possibility of parenthood.

From the start, they've had an open, monogamish relationship where they occasionally have other partners. But Joey and Tran are each other's number one.

The separation of Ross and Rachel, and Mondler's divorce has made hanging out a little tough. They don't hang as a group as much. But they do hang out separately.


They now live together in Kathy's huge condo in New York, with plenty of room for their kids. When the baby is born, Chandler will adopt her.

If Chandler wasn't ok with his girlfriend doing make out, love scenes for her career before why will it work out now? (Unless she no longer acts or she makes it a point to turn down and not pursue roles that require that)


Chandler grew up immensely between seasons 4 and 10, probably even more in the past 13 years. If this all happened I could see it maybe working out.


1. After succumbing to the pressure of having a traditional family unity, Ross and Rachel get married, but divorce 5 years later, making this Ross's 4th divorce. He later dies in some sort of accident and Rachel becomes a single parent for a little bit until another prince charming comes along and sweeps her off he feet. This man is also divorced.

2. Monica and Chandler stay for 10+ years but get separated after Chandler finds out Monica had an affair with Richard at some point. They eventually try to make it work 5 years after that.

3. Mike and Phoebe are still together and have kids now. Phoebe is as crazy as ever.

4. Joey is staid single for awhile and finally gets married at 45. He's unfaithful, but loves his wife very much and she stays unaware of it for a long time. They have 2-3 kids.


Why the hell do you want to kill off one of the main characters? Ross deserves some happiness after all the crap he went through over the years.


That's not how life works my friend. Ross is dead. Get over it


Well, in that case, the characters stopped existing when the show ended 13 years ago. Get over it.


In what case? What you said doesn't make sense.


If I have to "get over it" because that's "not how life works", then IN THAT CASE you should get over it that the show is over and the characters don't exist anymore. So no need to make up fanfic stories.


Congratulation, you just won the award for the ''most pathetic post'' of the month. Claim your prize nowhere, never.


I'm afraid I must admit defeat to you, the ruling world champion of pathetic posting. Your trophy cabinet must be so full!


I wish I had a cabinet (which, btw, is the most pathetic word of the dictionnary). Unfortunately my trophies are hanging around the house everywhere...


I disagree, I think "dictionary" is the most pathetic word. People just never seem to get the spelling right. What a stupid and annoying word!


oh shyyt! Especially those french frogs...


Do those French frogs ever get anything right?


They get the girls right. That's about it


You like girls who don't shave their armpits or legs?

Their "men" are just cheese-eating surrender monkeys, so I have no use for them. Merde!


I did not understand one word of what you just said . Shit


You don't understand English? Don't tell me you're French?!


NO!!! Im...not


Mon Dieu! I'm glad to hear that.


Ouf J'ai eu peur en esti
Eh, I mean, yeah, yeah.


Shall I rejoin the conversation to make this a proper circle jerk, young fellows?


Im close to come undone but come on over anyways!


Don't forget that Joey had his own sitcom right after "Friends".
