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Lootrock (149)
Sinister Plot Twist I Thought Might Occur
Disappointed in Buffalo Bill
*Spoiler Alert Regarding Latest Episode*
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I would say it's your logic that is off. To judge whether someone is empathetic, you have to look at the circumstances they grew up in. Almost all of Tony's attributes are either common with Italian Americans of his kind or tendencies that have proven a track record of success for the work that he does. Tony almost always try to do the right thing unless it's too far out of line within his culture.
With all of that said, you have to decide for yourself that his culture is sociopathic in nature, otherwise you'll have to demonstrate to me Tony's other traits that make him particularly sociopathic that are not consistent within that life.
Tony was born and raised to be a predator among predators. Everything outside of those tendencies he's not what would be typically considered a sociopath because he experiences guilt which is a key factor in sociopaths and he experiences this for those he cares about or should care about.
He let AJ verbally abuse, disregard and walk all over him as well as his wife which let him off the hook for having to do or care about anything. AJ only started acting right when Tony starting strictly enforcing boundaries, granted it was usually through the threat of violence but he's only ever slapped AJ even with is often extremely disrespectful behavior, but in any case, physical discipline is not a trait exclusive to sociopaths
The real sociopath is his mother who tried to have him killed 2 times during a time where he provided for her the most out of everyone and tried to help her and all he ever wanted was her love and to be a good son.
I'm glad they didn't. It would have been corny if they had worked Gotti in even for a scene just to attach itself to something known. Working in a lesser known guy who was still notable in that time would have been cool though if they were gonna do something like that. Maybe like a Michael Franzese who little Carmine no doubt would have known since they both lived in Miami
Svetlana, she's everything I love about Russian women.
The weirdo blonde FBI chick who took over Adrianna's case after the undercover girl . Don't know how to explain it. She just does it for me.
Every maître di at Vesuvio's(the French girl, the Albanian, Adrianna, and Charmaine).
Season 5 Carmella. I'm watching it now and she looks damn good.
The chick from the construction site that Finn became friends with.
I think the Albanian maître di who was doing the credit card scam for Benny takes the cake for me.
I then it's best to think of characters by which period or position. Here are my top most annoying:
AJ & Meadow as teenagers
Dr Melfi in sessions with her therapist
Junior Soprano on house arrest
AJ's teacher who Carmella dates
I put Tony's ma, Janice, Ralph, and Carmella into différent categories
The goon who shot them would win the dumbest goon award of the year for not only fucking up the bag he would get from finally securing the money for the dude who hired them but also shaking him down for a loooot more for all the shit Sandler's character put them through along with directly extorting Sandler's character for the same reason - like a double tax, but very very heavy.
And that's just off the top of my head. All they did hear was ensure their spots in the penitentiary with zero to show for it
I can totally see why you might feel that way. I'm born and raised in New Jersey and essentially know every character in this film so there wasn't anything surprising or dramatic to me considering the world this takes place in. I found it humorous that *SPOILERS* that Sandler's character got shot in the head, but it was very unrealistic unless the mobsters made sure they could capture the girl with the money on her way back.
What you have experienced is culture shock watching this movie and nothing less.
I was freaked out about that too. I believe he did that because he felt he could finally re-create his life exactly in his vision. He's also a military man so being clean shaven is how an upstanding man ought to look aside from a mustache. So since he was ostensibly miserable when Emmet was still around, it's natural that he wouldn't be in the mood to dress up since to him Emmet is ruining his plans and he's not in total control despite how domineering he is.
He did have a moral compass in the regard since he could have killed him at any point, but to Howard, he wasnt doing anything wrong. If Emmet was telling the truth, he would be putting everyone's life in jeopardy because he's stupid and at the very least expose everyone to the radiation in his/their escape. Putting his "daughter" at "risk" is simply unacceptable even though Emmet was obviously lying and that was enough to make a moral decision in order to protect him and his daughter.
Yeah, there were two airborne aliens within a couple miles - 0% she survives that unless they just don't care. I also find it unlikely that she'd go to Houston instead of Baton Rouge considering she had just escaped with her life multiple times against all odds in the last few hours from three different enemies. I think she'd be over-spent on her fight-or-flight gas tank and finally make it to safety where she could find out whats actually going on before she decides to volunteer her help; and that's at the maximum.
I agree. The Americans would have been all over that shit. They would have allowed for the bulk of the residents to stay in SA and have taken a certain portion back to the US along with any and all technology with assurances and aid to SA in return. Doesn't matter whether it be a private company or a nation, the US would have found or created a reason for why it needs to be there and why we need all their shit.
Hahah, I guess you didn't want realism of any kind huh? If anything there would have been more screaming and more pandemonium. There are 8 million people in New York City and this occurred only 7 years after the terrorist attacks. People would have been losing their fucking minds. They tamed it down just enough to not call total bullshit
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